Does powerbait actually work?

I have cans and cans of powerbait. I've just never caught a fish off of it. Does powerbait actually work? Has anybody caught a fish using power bait?
if you really want to catch stockers. just use powereggs. they stay on the hook better so it's almost a gurantee that you'll get the fish, cause they'll just keep coming back for it, even if you missed them on the set.
I also have a jar of powereggs....never caught a fish off that either!

Maybe you are using too little bait, too much weight, and too big hook. I use size 10 single egg hooks on a 2-3 ft 6 lb flouro leader connected to a small barrel swivel with my main 12 lb maxima UG (and yes the trout still bite!). I tried using one egg and wasn't catching anything while the person next to me was catching one after another. Why? He had two, so his bait would float. Mine would slowly sink. After I added another, I started catching! It's important to use 2, it may seem too big, but it works. Use barbless too, it helps
I've found that (depending on what lake you're in) the colors that work best for me are; spring green, rainbow, and flourescent orange (on the coastal lakes), chartreuse, spring green, corn, white and the red white and blue color(for the mountain lakes around Salem)

Now if you want to add to the scent of the bait, I've found that if you take the Berkley's trout attractant, and Mike's earthworm glo scent oil and mix them together with a 3 to 1 ration (3 parts trout attractant and 1 part earthworm oil), then dip your powerbait into it, it can make your day turn into a feeding frenzy. I've been sitting next to someone with the same exact set up as me minus the "dip" and caught my limit before they caught thier first fish.

If you're up in the Detroit Lake area, try either the white or the chartreuse power bait on a 4 lb test. Put your hook on and give yourself about a 36 inch to a 48 inch lead. I usually try to keep the bait no larger than the hook itself(about the size of a kidney bean). If you're up the Brightenbush forks, try finding a ledge or a drop off in the water, they will usually congregate there or swim along side the ledges for safety. If you can find the ledges, cast out about 15 to 20 feet past them and set the bail on your reel. Let your line drop till it hits the bottom and then reel in the slack line (Careful though, there's usually underwater plants and algea ready to snag your line if you don't reel in fast enough) If the fishing's on, well let's just say that I've had days up on the forks where I could barely set my pole down to grab a snack before some lil bugger was down nibblin at my bait. If you're on the dam, there are a ton of ways that will get you somethin nibblin. Usually just launching my bait out as far as I can get it and then letting it free fall back towards the dam.

Powerbait is just a simple bait that is easy for fishing enthusiasts of all ages to use. And if you're tryin to get a child or a first time fisher into it, take them up to Detroit and let em go for it. Chances are, they're gonna get somethin.

PS. If you head up for Detroit Lake on a weekend or a holiday, be prepared to rub elbows with about 100 other people trying to get thier limit.
I used a single baited hook with power eggs (pink) and some trophy trout gel and caught 4 fish without rebaiting. All I had to do was smear on more stink and I was fishing again. HANDS DOWN i catch more fish on Powereggs as opposed to Powerbait. I dont even buy Powerbait anymore. I have 2 crusty jars of chartreuse sitting in my tackle box that I should just throw away.

I Grade
Trophy Trout? On Powereggs? Pshht Yea right

Trophy Trout? On Powereggs? Pshht Yea right


I catch all my Trophys on Powereggs.

Take a look at These Puppys

Well I caught em on 2 Chartruse Powereggs at Salish Ponds.
See me there this Winter.
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Yes it works. But you have to play around with colors and the length of your leader line. Also i generally use a slide sinker set up when i am fishing with powerbait. Like said already you can't have enough colors of powerbait. Also you need to make sure you have enough powerbait on your hook to float it off the bottem.
not too worried about fish slime,however I usually forget to bring a church shirt to wipe the oily goo off my fingers, and end up smoking,eating and reeking like the stuff!And fish slime is one of the the best stinks to have on your fingers!(If there has to be one,anyway:D).As the debate over p bait or p eggs rages on,I would definitly use the eggs over the dough bait when the option is available and productive.Oh yeah,wild fish can and do pick up powerbait, occasionally.

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