Dodge 10/13/10

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I ventured down to Dodge Park today at the crack of noon. The place was crowded at least a dozen folks down there. One was landing a coho as I arrived and I saw two others drug out. I ventured down stream due to the crowd and ended up at the Bull Run River. It was crystal clear and no fish in it but I had the place to my self :lol: The nice thing was the group at Dodge Park were considerate of each other.
Irishrover said:
I ventured down to Dodge Park today at the crack of noon. The place was crowded at least a dozen folks down there. One was landing a coho as I arrived and I saw two others drug out. I ventured down stream due to the crowd and ended up at the Bull Run River. It was crystal clear and no fish in it but I had the place to my self :lol: The nice thing was the group at Dodge Park were considerate of each other.
That's always a good thing. #1: finding your own spot on the water and #2: not walking into a brawl; on or off the water.:D
Irishrover said:
I ventured down to Dodge Park today at the crack of noon.......

Now there's someone who knows when to get up and go fishin'!!! Just like me.

Sleeping in is for flyfishermen who know the hatch won't start until 10:00:D
OnTheFly said:
Sleeping in is for flyfishermen who know the hatch won't start until 10:00:D

But half the time I don't get there until two hours before dark!
I catch all day long, but I see the most fish caught between the first hour before light and the last two hours before dark. There was a time when I was younger and worked 10 hours a day 6 days a week that I only fished two hours a day. I fished the crack of dawn nearly every day.
No doubt being there at the crack of dawn improves your chances of catching fish. Those fish do start moving at first light. I respect those souls who can bounce out of bed in the wee hours of the morning and be as fresh as a new daisy. I am still working on that skill, but not really all that hard. I worked the night shift for most of my career and would be crawling into bed just as most of the rest of the world was heading out to face the brave new world. I'm still working on flipping that around. Now I'm up by 8am with a fresh cup of java, sitting in the rocking chair working the kinks out of the bones.:) By 9am I'm moving around. What I'm waiting for is winter to get here when the sun comes out about 8:30 so I can be up at the crack of dawn!;)
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