Diamond Lake

Diamond is Ice free and I am going up this Saturday, fired up the main so everything is ready. sorry but my boat is full. Have been doing exercises to strengthen my legs. I don't know how many of you know it but if you get a 20 incher take it to the boat house where they will remove some of the scales and fill out a card and you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 good at some of the sporting good stores..
Yes I saw somewhere yesterday or today, that the ice is OFF of Gem Lake now. Good luck buddy. Let us know how you do!
I don't fish like most bottom fishers do.. I developed a system several years ago that will out fish about 90 % of them. But first you must do a fish dance. Glad to know trolling was good. I will tell you this much, I had a friend of mine who was going to Diamond and I told him how I did it, at the lake he changed back to his old system for his own reason. There was a young girl who he did not change back and according to him she caught 75% of the fish,. There are more stories but I won't waste your time, however I have had people come to me who are proficient fishers, and they have increased their catch rate. nope I won't tell you on line.
I know for a lot of the younger people this may mean nothing, but what used to take me a day to mow now takes 6 to 7 days to mow and I have placed several chairs and have a few spots to rest my back and legs.. Contrary to to what many people think, getting old(er) is fun it is just the difficulties and or the pain that sometimes goes with it. I used to be one of those who never worried about lifting the heavy stuff and I was warned but I did not listen, now I am paying for it. However it was fun and if I could do it all over again....yep I most likely would, I was a diesel mech in the Navy and we never had those fancy tools like chain falls etc. I never served on a ship built after WWII, so it was all muscle that got the work done and yes I took a lot of pride in moving or lifting things others could not. One time Karl and I lifted a carried crankshaft for a flat head Superior 6 banger, once we got it into position it took 6 others to put it into the engine. We were somewhere between Viet Nam and Guam. If I remember right my best day for four of us was 42 fish,,@ Diamond Lake that is...................
Fishing was a bit on the slow side, we got four kept 3, one was a 24 inch tiger, it went back.. One was a 19 inch rainbow. both were great fighters. Even though the fishing was not on fire it was a great day. Two old duffers enjoying the day, the weather was not as bad as I expected, water temp 53 deg. Two caught on power bait, two on lures. the tiger was caught on a #4 yellow Blue fox with a silver blade.

If things work out I will be at Diamond on the 8th of June in my Duckworth. I know of no better way of celebrating my 74th birthday. I was up there on the 27th and got to see people I had not seen in a while and got to meet Steve's daughter. It was a very enjoyable day and I am looking forward to the 8th. When I used to fish up there a lot they would not even take my breakfast order, they just brought it to me. They would take my guests order but not mine, now that is service. I know I had my boat up for sale and I am very glad it did not go. I bought my first boat in about March of 82 for $20. A little tri hull 10 ft Columbia, It took me a few years to get my 2012 Duckworth, I am just short one fisher in my boat but she is still there in spirit. If you happen to see me say hi. I started fishing Diamond when Hwy 138, the road from Roseburg was still gravel ehh that was back about 54 or 55, ya I was just a little guy then.
Thanks for sharing glad your able to get out there and enjoy the lake I've always wanted to fish that lake never enough time to fit everything in good luck and tight lines
Yesterday I went with a friend to Diamond to celebrate my 74th and his 77th. WE fished hard but only got one.
The lake was clear, and calm and loaded with bugs. I heard others did well and I knew of one guy who was fishing from shore that had four nice fish. We did do one thing and that was have a great day. The gentleman that was with me was in a similar situation as I was and we both needed to get out and relax and we did.
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