Diamond Lake fishing report?

upper level mismanagement of LingFace is having an internal disagreement about where to toss hooks about this weekend. One option is to go to diamond lake. What sort of bank fishing results would I have this coming weekend. I will probably spend the night at the forest service campground. Is it likely I would get some good bites from the campsite or would I need to mosey a minor pilgrimage about the lake. Also, I see there has been frost at night. Will the fish still be active in the shallows? I usually use powerbait and worms. Is that proper at diamond lake in October?
I think if I was you I would head to the kids hole, there are a couple of old logs laying right up on the bank, change out your lead weight for an a just-a-bubble and about 2 ft of leader. Start of with a single egg hook and sharpen it and you may want to change to a small treble if they are biting really easy. Fill the bobber with water and let it sink to the bottom then leave a little slack in your line. I put my bubble above the swivel, by leaving a little slack it gives the fish a chance to swollow the hook. No need to set the hook, put the pole down and LEAVE IT ALONE, when the fish tries to swim off with your pole you will have it. You will need something to take out the hook with as it will be down in the gullet of the fish and have plenty of hooks. I have used this system for over 15 years now and have caught hundreds of fish and lost very few. Oh one more thing use just enough bait to cover the hook. The hardest thing to remember is to not set the hook even when the fish is playing with your line, you will not get it and it will frustrate you. Wait until the fish tries to steel your pole. My 5 year old grandson caught 17 that way in one day out of the kids hole.It took him less than 2 hours. This little gal had never caught a fish before and she caught 16 that day in about 3 hours. True there were 4 in the boat but nobody touched a pole but her.


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It is not a bubble per say so much as what is called an adjust a bubble. It can be filled with water or used as a float, it has a piece of rubber tube that goes through the middle so you can either use it so it does or does not slide. I prefer it for several reasons but I will give you a few. First of all the large one, when filled with water, is about a half ounce casting weight until it hits the water then it is only the weight of the plastic bobber and it sinks slowly compared to a barrel weight. Second if you cast into the weeds with it then it hangs up higher off the bottom and you are using floating bait it will put your bait up in sight of the fish where the fish can see it vs being hidden in the weeds where the fish has to find it by scent. Next when you have a fish on there is virtually no weight for the fish to have to battle..lead weights will go to the bottom of the weeds and pull your weight with it and out of sight. I put my bubble above my snap swivel and change the length of leader in relation to the depth of the water. If I am under 8-10 ft I use about a 1 1/2 to 2 ft leader and if I am in 20 ft I use 4 to 5 ft and anything deeper I adjust according to where the fish are holding. Trout, like salmon and other predatory fish can look up easily but they cannot look down as easily. So I use the combination of the bubble and leader to put my bait about in the middle of where the fish are holding, since they look up to take their prey my bait is in sight of more of the fish than it would be if I fished close to the bottom. I also sharpen my hooks, yes even new ones, and I use a single egg hook unless they are really biting light and then I use a small treble. I only use enough bait on to cover the hook. To much bait and the hook will slide out and leave you fish-less. I have been using this system for about 15 years now and my shortest time for 2 5 fish limits at Diamond is 1 hour. My best day with this system using 2 poles on average but for a while we had 4 poles out, till it started snowing and at that time we reduced to 2 poles but we did 42 fish that day in about 5 hrs. Oh there is one other thing that you may want to know if you go to this system, you will need to leave a belly in your line as you cannot have a tight line and then another is DON'T SET THE HOOK, that's right don't set it, let the fish do that for you. When the fish hits you pole and trys to DRAG you pole over the side the second time well all you have to do is reel in the fish as it will most likely be hook in the throat. If you don't want the fish then leave it in the water and cut the line unless the fish is bleeding, if it is bleeding you may as well keep it cause it will die anyway. I have not set a hook since I started using this technique, I have taught it to a a decent share of people and they all have usually increased their catch rate. When my son remarried a few years ago his step son was about 5 when we took him to diamond, used this method and the poor little guy reeled in 16 of the 18 fish we caught that day and a few times we had on two fish at a time with four poles and once we had three fish on. I hope you can read my poor typing, but that is why....a little long winded......sorry. If a five year old can catch fish using this method....well. Oh ya you may want to learn how to do a fish dance just in case.

The last I heard the lake thawed as it never froze real hard, I love trolling that lake catch a lot of fish on the move I never drop anchor and still fish at all.
The reason I like power bait is because I can control where it sets easier. I have taught several people how to use it and there catch rate has really increased. Last summer we took my youngest grandsons girl friend up, she had gone fishing once or twice in her life and we put out 4 poles and in about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of fishing time we did 23 fish. That includes toss backs. The hardest part is waiting till the fish hits the second time. I have seem them pick up the bait and swim 50 + ft with it and never tag the pole. You can actually watch them swim by following the line, but if try to set the hook you will get nothing. I a lazy fisher but then again I have had 3 fish on at one time with only three in the boat. Because there is no weight to hold the line steady I also use a three anchor system to help keep my boat from swinging to bad. Like you I have put the lights out for a lot of trout. For a while I fished Diamond pretty heavy in the spring from ice off and stopped fishing when in got hot in late June early July. In a three year period my boat did a little over 500 and that was with a 5 fish limit and only 2 fishers in my boat. That count included hooked but lost fish, toss backs and kept fish and during that time I did not keep anything under 16 inches long. I would stop at the lodge for breakfast and be on the water and fishing by around 8 and back at the lodge for end of day nlt 1200. For salmon I am a giant vacuum cleaner, just cannot get the hang of them. My boat would get fish but not my pole, just my luck.
I only troll lures as I don't like to still fish. The other reason is we catch and release a lot and it is much easier to do with trolling lures as they don't seem to swallow it so far. I love using rooster tails, and small plugs usually in a frog color.
Fished Diamond Lake this last Friday and Saturday fishing was amazing best in years. Easy limits trolling the south end with Mag lips 2.5. The fish were all fat and looked amazing did not keep and fish under 14".
Sounds like a great trip, get much snow ? which ramp did you us
Wife wants to try Galesville Thur for the first time
Duckcross;n611755 said:
Fished Diamond Lake this last Friday and Saturday fishing was amazing best in years. Easy limits trolling the south end with Mag lips 2.5. The fish were all fat and looked amazing did not keep and fish under 14".

It would be better--when you have a new report--to start a new thread. So everyone can see it. I only saw it because I've commented on this thread. 10-4?
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