Deschutes chrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
So me and lilsalmon figured we hit the deschutes one more time for the year and the weather was great 70+ both days and no rain..we were just going after trout so i had my 5wt with 5 and 3x tippet mis matched on my funky leader..we pulled a few trout early but it was kind of slow so we swithed over to nymphing and it paid off:dance::dance: i hit this nice seam with my nymph rig,,gold ribbed hares ear and a morrish super pupa as my point fly..and the second time through the slot,,WHAM hammer down....this fish spooled me right off the bat cause i had my drag set to nothing(fun for trout) and he ran straight for the middle of the river,,so as i start reeling in the dang guy ran again straight down from me,,,so i had to bush wack for a little ways til i could get a better landing area on him.Lilsalmon was my netter and she was awesome,,she could see the fish and looks at me and says I DONT THINK THIS FISH WILL FIT she scooped him up and got him in there.the whole time im thinkin this thing is a huge whitefish cause it didn't jump just sheer power under the water,,so when she brought him over i about had a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!this beautiful 26 inch deschutes steelhead is now my prized fish for the year,,,the fight and the whole scenario will be etched in my mind forever now..

I am still on cloud 9 from the catch,,as you know i am an avid trout fishermen and not really a true steelheader,but this was just amazing...

All in all a great deschutes trip,,which it always is,,but this fish has made a lifelong memory for me:):)


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careful... its moments like this that create obsessive steelheaders! awsome fish but I hope you still have an even better fish for your fish of the year!!!
Wow Dave! That picture puts it all in perspective after seeing it for the first time from the one you sent me on the cell phone Saturday. A New Zealander would have said to you 'Good on you mate'!
Okay, so I am being forced :D to tell this story...what Dave forgot to mention we had just been to the hatchery and walked the railroad tracks for a bit. When we were leaving we stopped at this pond at the hatchery where they had these HUGE fish and we were like, Wouldn't it be awesome to catch one like that here on the Deschutes....hehe.

The fight in that fish was awesome and soooo was way cool. Good job Dave!!!! We worked the bank up and down for a bit and about an hour later ended up back at the same spot....being that I was nymphing also cuz they wanted nothing to do with dry flies.....I get into a snag.....grrrr. Thinking that I am going to loose my whole line I pull and there is this way!!!!! Fish on......Guess what....same fish...what are the odds of that. There were telltale signs but yeah...same fish. He didn't fight near as hard this time but we got a couple of pics and gently put him back in the water........:D


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A Deschutes steelhead on a 5 wt rod?! I can only imagine how awesome that would be. I look forward to the day I catch my first one!
Okay, so I am being forced :D to tell this story...what Dave forgot to mention we had just been to the hatchery and walked the railroad tracks for a bit. When we were leaving we stopped at this pond at the hatchery where they had these HUGE fish and we were like, Wouldn't it be awesome to catch one like that here on the Deschutes....hehe.

The fight in that fish was awesome and soooo was way cool. Good job Dave!!!! We worked the bank up and down for a bit and about an hour later ended up back at the same spot....being that I was nymphing also cuz they wanted nothing to do with dry flies.....I get into a snag.....grrrr. Thinking that I am going to loose my whole line I pull and there is this way!!!!! Fish on......Guess what....same fish...what are the odds of that. There were telltale signs but yeah...same fish. He didn't fight near as hard this time but we got a couple of pics and gently put him back in the water........:D

Awesome story, I could only imagine the story that fish is telling right now.
WOW! Great job on getting some chrome. At least you both got a steelhead, even if it was the same one. Did you guys catch any "trout"? I was thinking about going down there and fishing sometime soon.
The Dynamic Duo strikes yet again. GO TEAM!

And now we also know that they are also confirmed members of "Angler's Anxiety Anonymous"!
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