Clackamas Summers

Haven't been hearing about slightly lower clack summers for a long time, especially since ArcticAmoeba hasn't reported for a while. Riverside is probably my favorite park, cause it's basically the only one I know well enough to fish. How's the run going? With the shad season looking like this, I may need to start steelheading earlier than normal. I'm up for corkies/yarn, spinners, and plugs (all from bank). I could have some salt/sugar cured grocery store shrimp if I wanted to, but that stuff is messy and a hassle.
Haven't been hearing about slightly lower clack summers for a long time, especially since ArcticAmoeba hasn't reported for a while. Riverside is probably my favorite park, cause it's basically the only one I know well enough to fish. How's the run going? With the shad season looking like this, I may need to start steelheading earlier than normal. I'm up for corkies/yarn, spinners, and plugs (all from bank). I could have some salt/sugar cured grocery store shrimp if I wanted to, but that stuff is messy and a hassle.

Above barton is where I been doing all my fishing. Spinners have been pretty much all i'm throwing but I also drift yarn balls and corkies.
Haven't been hearing about slightly lower clack summers for a long time, especially since ArcticAmoeba hasn't reported for a while. Riverside is probably my favorite park, cause it's basically the only one I know well enough to fish. How's the run going? With the shad season looking like this, I may need to start steelheading earlier than normal. I'm up for corkies/yarn, spinners, and plugs (all from bank). I could have some salt/sugar cured grocery store shrimp if I wanted to, but that stuff is messy and a hassle.

I heard (second hand) of one being pulled out at Riverside today 6/22...
I had something on briefly this morning in the Cross Park area. Made what I thought was going to be a cast too far up stream and was worried about getting snagged up, started reeling almost immediately and sure enough I thought I was snagged. Next thing I know the snag started pulling back and stripping line like crazy and I could see the side of what I am guessing was a summer? Next thing I knew my spinner came flying back at me. Try as I might I couldn't get anything after that. 15 seconds of fun(let the jokes begin), I was using pretty light gear from trout fishing the other day and I am guessing the rod just didn't have enough backbone for a solid hook set.

This was on a black bodied and brass french bladed #2 that I made from BC components.
with very little guidance he's already outfished quite a few people that have dedicated a lot more river hours! He's on track to being a fish killing machine in no time.
Don't worry bro, there is bloody chrome in your future for sure.

I love it when sam says that keeps your head up when you dont think it going to happen any time soon:rolleyes: there way to often lol but like i told him dont you think they should put that in fortune cookies!!!!:think::think:
where is riverside again? is it the place behind the bowling alley? and I have no idea where to get bank access at cross park lol... i've gone down twice and it looks like a scary hike down.
where is riverside again? is it the place behind the bowling alley? and I have no idea where to get bank access at cross park lol... i've gone down twice and it looks like a scary hike down.

Riverside... Argh, I only know how to get there, not how to give directions! All I know is you take exit 11 off 205 north and then you look for a evelin street or something. ;)
okay i think i'll try to go there today... its one of the few places i go to in the summers i just never knew or wasn't sure of what the name of the place was haha thanks:lol:
Well Riverside Park is off of Water Dr. behind the Safeway plant on 224.

As for Cross Park, you may just want to fish under the foot bridge. I prefer the Rocks and it's very easy to walk down to.
lol, kush, i dont even know where any of these places are. sux to be the new guy sometimes, always feel like the idiot with his hand in the air
Dont worry about 3 months ago I didn't even know where the Columbia River was. Before you know it you'll know where everything is.
lol, kush, i dont even know where any of these places are. sux to be the new guy sometimes, always feel like the idiot with his hand in the air

you can find directions to both Cross and Riverside via google maps...
I had never heard of those parks either, until I started fishing about 3 months ago and found this forum.
Dont worry about 3 months ago I didn't even know where the Columbia River was. Before you know it you'll know where everything is.

Haha when I was at bonneville dam looking at the fish ladder, my mom asked the counter, "The fish are swimming to the ocean right?" :lol:
I had never heard of those parks either, until I started fishing about 3 months ago and found this forum.

In the few months I've been on these forums my knowledge of both fishing and places to fish have exploded. Before that I thought I was doing pretty good on both counts, but I couldn't be more wrong. I've successfully targeted more species in 3 months than I have in 15 years.
I love it when sam says that keeps your head up when you dont think it going to happen any time soon:rolleyes: there way to often lol but like i told him dont you think they should put that in fortune cookies!!!!:think::think:

Trust me bro it will happen soon, just gotta keep at it and never give up.
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