Want good cheap bait?

I figured I'd post this up in hopes it'll help a few folks out this season.

These are incredibly simple and cheap baits to make, and they work very, very well.

Start with store bought prawns.


Next, remove the shell and cut them up into bait size pieces.


Now, these could be fished just like this and they'll work just fine. I prefer to add some color to mine, and I do not prefer to cure them. I like to fish them raw. So I just use dye to liven them up a little. I found this stuff which has some cool colors, but you could use any bait dye, or food coloring. Just don't use too much. A little goes a long ways.


Next I put a tiny bit of water in the bag with the shrimp. Just enough to make them wet but not swimming in the bag. Then add 3-4 drops of dye to the bag and mix it around. As you can see in the photo below there is a little bit of extra water around the shrimp. The purpose of the water is to disperse the dye evenly over the shrimp. Otherwise they'll dye unevenly if you use dye with no water. Let them soak for a few minutes, the shrimp absorb the dye pretty quick so it doesn't take long.


After they have absorbed the dye I dump them out to drain the excess water off. They're ready to fish.


You can add sugar, salt, egg cure, whatever you want to modify how you make these. These also take scent VERY well. But to me the whole purpose of this bait is simplicity, so I keep it very basic. The bag pictured above cost me maybe $1.50-$2.00 and is plenty of bait for a day of fishing.

I like to drift fish these on a size 1 or 2 hook with a small corky of your preference above it. You can fish them with a rag, You can add a small piece in the egg loop of a yarn ball Etc. You get the idea.

You can also tip a jig with a small chunk. I like to use a pretty small piece for tipping a jig.

Good luck,

Drooling over those. Good pics and if you have more time you can slow cure em with pautzke nectars. just don't spread the word
About tipping the jigs. It doesn't work at all muahahahaa.
I saw that on another forum and thanks for posting it here as well!

It's good to use good cheap baits. Maybe posts like this will reduce egg hunting from native darkies?

Anyway, I fished up in washington for winter steel once and the guide used squid (I think) that was cut up into small pieces and dyed as a bait for side drifting. Cheap since you can get it at your local supermarket, and good since it worked. For summer steel, lots of people say downsize your gear, but my go-to bait was a shell on whole raw prawn which was uncured and towed behind a diver. Steelies just love the seafood!

Best ryank and welcome to OFF!
Thanks Ryan. What's the refrigerator shelf life for prawns? If you were to freeze them is it necessary to freeze the first sealed bag inside another bag?
The ones I do are un-cured, so I'd imagine the refrigerator shelf life is not too long. I make small batches, and use them up pretty quick. If there is any left over at the end of the day I just throw it back in the freezer. They are durable and hold up well if frozen multiple times. I just freeze them in zip lock freezer bags, I have never really put any up for long term storage.
Good point,

When we used the raw prawns, we'd buy them frozen and use a few during the day, they are quite durable. When back home, I'd put the leftovers back into the freezer and use them the next time and repeat.

They keep working, way better than sandies from a $ to fish ratio.


The ones I do are un-cured, so I'd imagine the refrigerator shelf life is not too long. I make small batches, and use them up pretty quick. If there is any left over at the end of the day I just throw it back in the freezer. They are durable and hold up well if frozen multiple times. I just freeze them in zip lock freezer bags, I have never really put any up for long term storage.
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