
So you all most likely knew it was only time till I ask this but, when does the fall shinook run start coming through and can you fish it the same way you fish the coho?
I was told by a guy on the bank the other day that the chinook are like 20 pound pluss. Man if that is true I really can't wait to hook one of them. With that said does this mean I need to go to larger line as well?
How to fish Chinook

How to fish Chinook

Me personaly I troll herring, spinners, and wobblers. You can use eggs off the bank or in your boat with great results. You can also chuck spinners off the bank if you dont have a boat. I usually troll my herring and spinners at about .8 mph. You want to use approx 30lb line and 25lb leader. As far as the chinook so far this year a friend of mine landed a 41 pounder and i landed a 34 pounder. But most of the nookers run from 20-60lbs. If you get lucky like i did a couple years ago you will get to fight a 50lb hog. I think chinook are my favorite fish to fight.
I usually fish the siletz and the run hasnt quite showed up yet. I think in the next couple weeks the run should really get hot if its going to at all. I am co-owner of Thomas Creek Outfitters. We do custom spinners with UV technology. We also have herring cure so come on over and check us out I'm sure we can help you catch a hog this year.


The Salmon River (the little bitty creek going into Lincoln City) is starting to get a few fish in it. You can jig herring off the bank, bobber and egg, or throw spinners. Lots of fish come up that little ditch including silvers witch are thicker than flies this year. The chinook in there run from 20 to the occasional 40. Its a great system to start learning on...although it can be quite busy when the fish really get in.

Also the Nestucca kicks out some true monsters every year with fish in the sixty pound class and the tidewater has some good access for bank guys. We try and stay on top of whats hot but it's kinda hard with as busy as we have been. Let me know if you have any questions.

Good Luck
I called the coyote rock rv resort and marine at licoln city..actually its more near kernville to check how the salmon run coming and the guy david i believe told me thzt not very stromng now but mebbe afther this weekend rain......or in first week of october... do u guys have your tackle shop anywhere near kernville? i usually rent cabin with my friend..and fish for 2 what do you think of the nook run this u think october 1st week will be good?


Siletz is dead slow. The bright side is there are a few fish being caught on the river most of them from Chinook bend on up. The fish last year were moving fast, and most of the action was about 5 miles above C rock ( a hole known as medicine rock), this year the fish are moving into the fresh water and are not holding in the tide water....I have no Idea why. I would start at Iron works or duck point at low tide and start looking...move up river until you find fish...then work them hard.
This year I think I'm waiting until AFTER THE FULL MOON IN OCTOBER. Full moon cycles will do more to move fish into the river than rain. Studies have shown that moon phases cause salmon, steelhead, and stourgeon to make thier move into the rivers and towards the spawning grounds. I say after the full moon because the tides will be smaller, the fish will slow down:pray:, and easier to fish your gear.

We do have gear for sale at Chinook Bend's tackle shop.
good Luck,
If you can make it high up on the Sandy, do try, a the Hatchery got less than 50 returned adults, the rest bolted right past, and are schooled up all the way to the confluence of the Salmon River. Traditionally a C&R fishery, mainly for trout, and whitefish, but not this year, it has been brat city!
I heard there are some big ones hiding out but I ussually see 8-10"ers with the ocassional 11-13"er. But these are in my lakes not sure about your neck of the woods. We just troll for them like you would for trout.
I have never heard of a land locked Chinook getting to 20lbs in Detroit or anywhere else in Oregon for that matter. Most of them are pretty small. A few lakes have been producing some larger ones but I've never seen or heard of one much over 5lbs being caught. Still fun to catch but for the most part they are Kokanee sized.
I have heard of some 20 inchers, and that would be big, but the landlocked salmon dont grow to be 20 lbs. there about the size of the kokes as most places, and I think the technique is the same. Brian
I've caught a couple over 20", but like most- only on accident while trout trolling. I've heard it said that you should fish for salmon in lakes just like you do anywhere else. A dodger and a herring sounds normal to me. That and time in the water.

It depends on where you are. I'm no expert on Oregon, but in lake Chelan in WA we get em 12-20lbs on occasion trolling near the bottom bout 1.4 mph with herring, ace hi flies or silver hordes. Hope that helps
It depends on where you are. I'm no expert on Oregon, but in lake Chelan in WA we get em 12-20lbs on occasion trolling near the bottom bout 1.4 mph with herring, ace hi flies or silver hordes. Hope that helps

Are those land locked or were they plucked up and dumped OFF from a hatchery. The biggest landlaocked "salmonid" I`ve heard of come from Wallowa Lake, coming in @ 7+lbs.
I have seen pics somewhere online from Detroit of a 9lbs 28" nook.. I will try to hunt down the link.. They got it at like 120' trolling a harring behind a school of kokanee's..
Wouldn't the landlocked 'nooks feed on smaller kokes (among other things)? If so, I could see them growing to some pretty large sizes; if their food source is plentiful.

The biggest one's I've heard of were around 5 lbs.

The state record Koke, fyi, was caught last March at Wallowa Lake. It was over 8 pounds...just 6 oz. short of a U.S. or World record!
I witnessed a 5lb land locked chinook caught this year in Green Peter.
I'm not sure about 20lbs but it might be possible?
Most kokanee don't get over a 1lb or 2... but they do get up to be full size salmon occasionally... especially in Wallowa! lol
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