Catching coho at clackemette park boat

I can't help but laugh every time I drive past the bowling ally in Gladstone. There are about fifty people there at any given time snagging fish and other peoples line while the mouth seems to be nearly deserted and just as productive. I hooked a nice coho minus one fin yesterday right next to the boat ramp. You won't catch me standing shoulder to shoulder with any one. All you need is some patiance and some room to fish and its a lot more fun.
That depends on whether you are catching or snagging! I was by the boat ramp eating lunch when the ODFW boat went by, it stopped just above the bowling alley!

Maybe you guys just see it different than me, but in my opinion, there is a difference between snagging and flossing. People floss in order to get a hook set in the mouth of a fish. People snag to keep a fish hooked anywhere. Pretty sure ODFW checks tags everywhere people fish. Or floss.

And so far, I havent EVER seen anyone snagging fish on the Clackamas. Ive only seen it done once on the Sandy river.

And of all the times I fished the island across from the bowling alley, whether it be across from everyone "drifting", or on the tip of the island rollin' spinners, Ive seen two fish caught in the vicinity of the boat ramp/mouth. And I park at Clackamette, right in front next to the ramp and walk the bank up and cross to the island.

Ive seen probably in excess of 200 caught at the bowling alley this year.
I don't really see how flossing is any better than snagging, and i'ld still prefer to have some space. You could put a hundred guys with poles anywhere on the river and that spot will probably produce fish. That's not really the point of fishing in my opinion. I think it's as much about relaxing and enjoying the river as it is about catching a fish. (I still prefer to bring home a fish). Plus the bowling alley drift is getting pretty trashed. Personally I don't enjoy it there.
Man, theres no doubt less than responsible anglers there! I fished on the side with all the people today I gotta say I could only see myself fishing there until sometime next with the way its starting to smell. People just do there thing at the top of the trail. Pretty foul.

I DO hear little snide remarks like "break out the nail clippers" or "theres more than one way outta here" referring to foul hooked fish. But from what I can tell, its all talk. Kinda trashy for sure. Saw 5 foul hooked fish there in the two or so hours I was there today, all were let go. Saw probably 10 or so natives banked, all let go. Out of the 40-50 fish that were banked while I was there.
(I fished the lower end where guys always come down to bank their fish) dont fish there, but "it's pretty trashed"? Just walk down to check it out?;)
Man, theres no doubt less than responsible anglers there! I fished on the side with all the people today I gotta say I could only see myself fishing there until sometime next with the way its starting to smell. People just do there thing at the top of the trail. Pretty foul.

I DO hear little snide remarks like "break out the nail clippers" or "theres more than one way outta here" referring to foul hooked fish. But from what I can tell, its all talk. Kinda trashy for sure. Saw 5 foul hooked fish there in the two or so hours I was there today, all were let go. Saw probably 10 or so natives banked, all let go. Out of the 40-50 fish that were banked while I was there.
(I fished the lower end where guys always come down to bank their fish) dont fish there, but "it's pretty trashed"? Just walk down to check it out?;)

yer gonna make me go there if you win the wager aren't you? It's all good. A new place. New experience and I can always use the extra practice tyin leaders. Just let me know your specs and I'll see if I can help. If I don't have the color you want, you have to supply it. I'm gonna hate losin this.
You know the alley hole is full of people but most are people that seem to get along. It's not as trashed as half the places I have been that so fewer people go to, and such as chris said foul hooks and nates are let go.

I was there this morning with Chris (thank you for helping me bank that hog even know had to let it go being a nate) and I only lost two riggings. That is far les then I loose anywhere eles I go, and only got tangled in someones line three times. Now that isn't to bad with the amount of people down there. The tangles I did get were with a younge kid that was driftting to far.

I use to think the same things about it down there and now I have been there and it's not that bad, but if everyone wants to think it is so bad then don't go, maybe then I can get both feet in the same spot lol.
You sound pretty confidant your gonna loose....I think Im gonna loose too, I just keep runnin my mouth:lol:. And nah, Ive got a few better spots to fish, that dont stink as bad.:lol:
I was there this morning with Chris (thank you for helping me bank that hog even know had to let it go being a nate) and I only lost two riggings.

That was HOG dude!!
It wasn't quite 20, but Ill bet it was pushin' it!
Looked like a hen too.
Had a super tiny mini adi-fin.
Nice fish. Nothin after I left?
I guess my experience there was bad. I have fished there a couple times and just didn't like it. I guess all those people fishing there just frees up more river for me. Good job on banking one today. Wish I could say the same. I'm littarally drifting a spot up river as I type and so far no luck today.
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