At any rate, they are nothing more than an INVASIVE specie. For example, the bastards completely choked out and overtook; my favorite stretch of bass fishing water on the Long Tom River. I used to catch buckets full of smallie's and bucketmouths. But, now all there are in the whole dam stretch (about 2 miles long), is nothing but those frickin carp. I HATE them. I want them ERADICATED from our game waters!!!
If the frickin things would NOT take over territory like they do, I would have no problem with them at all. But, I repeat...they are INVASIVE (and I might add, NON native to most parts of the world). I don't give a dam if they taste good or not. And it's all because some idiots transplanted them in our part of the world. And they thought it was a GOOD idea??? MORONS all!
Incidentally, carp are among the easiest fish to catch. All you need is a worm. Or, now on my former classic bass water...a floating rapala, a Lucky 13, or a frog popper. They'll hit ANYTHING. So, I am sorry, but you can't convince me that they are a "challenging" target. I have caught hundreds of the dam things. And they have all been left on the bank.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. My respects to anyone who likes carp. I'm not picking on you personally. I am only expressing my feelings about the fish; and the pinheads who brought this blight to our corner of the globe.
But, I guess that I don't really have an opinion to state. LOL