Cannon Beach red tails / silvers

Looking for the Cannon Beach area sweet spots for surf perch. Having not fished this area before I'm clueless other than exploring. I know Mustardthetrout and PK can probably chime in with some ideas but seems I'm unable to PM them for some reason so I'll have to ask here. A plate full of fresh perch along with some long grain rice & a steamed fresh veggie sounds pretty good right now. All input welcomed....I'm listening. (going tomorrow 4/11). Thanks
Cannon Beach is a great beach for perch because there are a lot of natural features that the other North Coast beaches typically lack. It is also steeper than some of the other beaches in the area, making it easier to reach the fish. I'd focus my efforts around the area of beach south of haystack rock, including around the numerous rocky outcrops that are found down by Archcape/Arcadia beach. Although they are "surf" perch that live quite happily in a sandy environment any sort of rocky feature is a magnet to them. Needless to say the sandy areas are also excellent once you find the fish. My usual tactic is to start at the beach area right by Tolovana Inn and work my way down, taking extra time to fish the rocks as I come across them. Also remember that you can't fish around Haystack Rock itself, as it's a protected marine garden. The standard rigging and bait applies here; I usually use a carolina rig with Gulp! or a standard two hook rig with the same bait. Like other perch areas, incoming/high slack is the best time tidally although if it's really sunny and clear out I'd wait till the evening so the fish get less spooked. Also remember to release the big females; the surfperch spawning season is coming up and lots of fish should be full of their young.

Good luck out there! Hope I was of some help.
This always seemed a quiet place . I haven't fished there for years and this time of the year it was just me and my dog. Should still be Oregon State signs and where to park. For the ones that never heard of this place, it's Cove Beach, unless they changed it. Ya never know on that part of the coast. Its the first real right going south after the tunnel. Easy to miss.


This Google Earth screen shot is all the directions you need.(and the hundred others that will see this post)
You can just make out the access to Gull Rock at the north end of Clatsop Lane.
Thanks MTT and Camo......great tips. Not sure why I can't PM but the prompt says I don't have enough permission to PM when I try. Says to contact the administrator.....??? Oh well......this worked.
mustardthetrout;n603502 said:
Also remember to release the big females; the surfperch spawning season is coming up and lots of fish should be full of their young.

Excellent advice right there!
Excellent advice right there!

Didn't really have to worry about any "BIG" females. All said and done there was barely a plateful but what a gorgeous day to stand in the surf and cast. Worked about three quarters of a mile of beach with most of the hook sets right out in front of the Tolovana Beach parking lot. Bite didn't turn on until about an hour before high tide. Called it about an hour after high. GULP! Sandworms was the bait of choice in both blood and natural (2" size). Great day any way you look at it! Camo...the area you suggested is protected now and closed to all harvesting of any fish, mussels, everything, just in case you get an urge to go there again any time soon.0dc48fa1b8de4b980419a74d9f14556c.jpg
''Camo...the area you suggested is protected now and closed to all harvesting of any fish, mussels, everything, just in case you get an urge to go there again any time soon.''

Playhookey, I'm truly sorry to hear that. Cove Beach was always a pristine fishery and a fantastic place for beach combing We (my dog and me) would find a school of perch and follow them up the shore line casting as we went. The action was fast. Right before hi-tide. That's also where one could find a bed of razors, but I was there for the fish.

I hope the area becomes a destination hot spot for People wanting to get away from crowds and commercialism.
I also hope it doesn't become a gated community beach grab that seems to be happening.
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