Camping at Timothy Lake

I'm planning a camping trip, and Timothy sounds like a great spot. What I'd like to do is canoe across the lake to the Meditation Point campground, which is only accessible by trail or boat. My thinking is it should cut way down on the normal campground scene.

However, I went to the campground reservation site and Meditation Point isn't listed, even though it is on most maps. Does that mean its first come first serve, or is it closed? Is anyone familiar with this campground? Thanks!
From the Mt Hood National Forest website - it is closed:

Mt. Hood National Forest -

Scroll down towards the bottom of the list of campgrounds.
It offer's hope:


Closed but available for use seems like an oxymoron though. I'll give them a call.

Looking at it closer is getting me even more confused. It sounds like the Zig Zag ranger station is the place I need to call.
Correct, ZigZag would be the district to call it looks like. The camground closure note is actually for the Hood River campgrounds, I think. Sometimes different districts handle them slightly different. I think in this case the "closed" means probably due to snow, etc and they are not maintaining or doing anything with it. They will usually have a season of use for the campgrounds based on elevation, historical snow and use (such as Apri 15 - Nov 15)The FS will close (gate) campgrounds along roads to show that they do not maintain or provide services, like water, garbage, but usually if you use them nobody sqawks as long as you pack it in/pack it out. (as the Hood River district note mentions) If there is any kind of a bulliton board check that to see if there are any enforced restrictions.
In this case, probaby no one would even know you were there this early in the season if you left it as you found it.
This will be a late spring/early summer thing. Just planning ahead. Thanks for the info!
Its open beginning in May and ending in October. There are 5 walk in campsites on the point with tables & firepits, 1 privy and no drinking water. 1 mike hike from dam, 1 1/2 mile hike from North Arm, about 20 min paddle from Pine Point boat ramp if you have the wind at your back. I've never seen more than 3 of the 5 campsites being used at once. Bring fresh water with you!
paddling to meditation point..

paddling to meditation point..

So i've got a fish hunter 360, but no motor. i'm planning on paddling it to meditation point from the designated parking area near the dam. The guy I talked to said it's less than a mile by water. But I was talking to someone else at my local tackle shop and he warned me about the wind on the lake. He said if I don't get out there in the morning before the winds pick up, I might just be paddling in circles. Does anyone know this lake well enough to back up his claim. I won't be getting to the lake until about 7pm and I want to make sure I'm at Meditation Point in enough time to set up camp before dark. Do you think it's possible?
newbiebutgoodie said:
So i've got a fish hunter 360, but no motor. i'm planning on paddling it to meditation point from the designated parking area near the dam. The guy I talked to said it's less than a mile by water. But I was talking to someone else at my local tackle shop and he warned me about the wind on the lake. He said if I don't get out there in the morning before the winds pick up, I might just be paddling in circles. Does anyone know this lake well enough to back up his claim. I won't be getting to the lake until about 7pm and I want to make sure I'm at Meditation Point in enough time to set up camp before dark. Do you think it's possible?

I would have to say you need more time. I believe it will take at least an hour, depending on your craft to make it to the point. My estimate is based on rowing a pontoon boat. Perhaps a canoe is faster. As for the wind, if it starts to pick up, it usually blows one direction early then does a 180 later in the day. So depending which way you're starting out, you may get lucky with the wind at your back both ways.
Good luck!
Maybe you could rig up a poll with a sail and just cruise on over there! :)

Just kidding, I couldn't resist saying that as I saw someone do that a few years ago and they were really moving right along!

newbiebutgoodie said:
So i've got a fish hunter 360, but no motor. i'm planning on paddling it to meditation point from the designated parking area near the dam. The guy I talked to said it's less than a mile by water. But I was talking to someone else at my local tackle shop and he warned me about the wind on the lake. He said if I don't get out there in the morning before the winds pick up, I might just be paddling in circles. Does anyone know this lake well enough to back up his claim. I won't be getting to the lake until about 7pm and I want to make sure I'm at Meditation Point in enough time to set up camp before dark. Do you think it's possible?

I have not been to Timmy for quite a spell. We started out dry camping. on the point by the dam.
It's a camp ground now.
Med Pt is really nice. But do not attempt to cross the lake after Noon. Windy!
The fishing around the Pt is good! Troll a dark fly 25 to 30 pulls or a gold super duper!
Watch the ospry and eagles spar over head!
Have fun be safe!
Meditation Point Info

Meditation Point Info

Meditation Point campground has 1 boat dock on the north side of the point which directly accesses its 5 campsites. There is 1 privy, tables & fire pits on the sites. There is no charge to stay with exception of a required parking pass for where ever you leave your vehicle. Campground is open as soon as snow is melted (already open this year).Very nice and excluded spot, dont forget to bring your camera.
Hi! My friends and I are thinking of boating across and camping at Meditation Point on Timothy Lake the weekend of July 4th. My only concern is that all five campsites could be full. When we went to Timothy Lake last August, all of the pay campsites were completely full(hundreds of them), and we'd be pretty stuck if the campgrounds at Meditation Point were all full too.

So can anyone tell me if we need to be concerned about this happening? Or, as someone posted a few years ago, do all five campgrounds at meditation point rarely fill up?

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