
I've been looking into bowfishing (carp) for a few months now, but I still haven't bought a setup because there's only one place I know of that has carp that can be taken by a bow (Fern Ridge) Is there any other streams or ponds (outside the city limits) where people have spotted any carp? I usually fish all the way from the Oregon coast at Florence all the way to Oakridge but I can't remember seeing carp anywhere to be honest :( other than inside the Eugene city limits...
I know places guys do it but whats up with the city limits it just a bow right?
Would you mind coming to troutdale?
Troutdale is too much of a drive for me just to fish... And my Dad wondered the same thing about the bow, but I looked it up awhile back on some official city site or whatever and found the rules on it, it's not allowed within the city limits. I even emailed the city to confirm it and got the same answer :(
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Well if there is some Canal or Slough that drains into a big river that has carp in it, Go there in spring when the carp spawn. they swim on top of the water to warm themselves with the sun. Ill try to find one.
Fisher.King said:
I've been looking into bowfishing (carp) for a few months now, but I still haven't bought a setup because there's only one place I know of that has carp that can be taken by a bow (Fern Ridge) Is there any other streams or ponds (outside the city limits) where people have spotted any carp? I usually fish all the way from the Oregon coast at Florence all the way to Oakridge but I can't remember seeing carp anywhere to be honest :( other than inside the Eugene city limits...
Do you have a small boat? Coyote Creek which flows into Fern Ditch is full of carp. There's a trail that follows the creek but it's full of poison oak. There are a few places that are open enough to shoot though. There's also the Amazon Slough before it enters Fern Ditch. There's a road or a trail that follows the slough to the lake with nothing in your way but some tall grass. There's also the Long Tom River below Fern Ditch. Here's a google map link to each of these places.
1. There's a place to put a small boat in at the bridge on Cantrell Rd.
Google Maps
2. There's a very small parking spot here but it's doable.
Google Maps
3. There's a couple of parking spots here. That's the Long Tom which is full of carp. Google Maps
I was gonna point that out but wasn't sure if it had carp. Thanks TTFishon.
No problem. Anything to rid the waters of carp. Sorry Youkay.
TTFishon said:
Do you have a small boat?

Are you talking about the swampy area south of the reservoir when you say fern ditch or are we both calling the big lake different names :confused:
And yes I have a makeshift stand-in boat, I inflate a rubber raft and put an instert in it that I custom made for fitting the raft. Looks like a beast but it works.
Seen guys doing it at 5th street pond but its in the limits.
TT's got you on the money, google maps the way to go, check out the slough ne. of fern ridge on prairie rd to it holds a lot of carp, bass etc. , I think it may be the long tom as well, not sure. I used to fish it a lot when Iwas a kid, Camp outs and such, lots of fun man. there is a road that runs beside the airport that will cross over the slough, you can park there and walk it for miles,good luck and Fishon.:D:D
Fisher.King said:
Are you talking about the swampy area south of the reservoir when you say fern ditch or are we both calling the big lake different names :confused:

I'm talking about the lake when I say Fern Ditch. lol
livin2fish said:
TT's got youon the money, google maps the way to go, check out the slough ne. of fern ridge on prairie rd to it holds a lot of carp, bass etc. , I think it may be the long tom as well, not sure. I used to fish it a lot when Iwas a kid,Camp outs and such,lots of fun man. there is a road that runs beside the airport that will cross over the slough, you can park there and walk it for miles,good luck and Fishon.:D:D
I left that one out for a reason but now the secret's out. When I was a kid we use to shoot the carp with shotguns down there. Can't shoot guns down there now for obvious reasons.


i have a friend that was shooting carp with a bow behind the buildings next to the mall (delta ponds). a sheriff showed up and told him that although bowfishing for carp is legal he had to ask him to stop because the workers in the building didn't like watching him shoot the i would almost go for it in the city limits, he didn't get told it wasn't allowed it was more out of respect for the people in the offices. from what i understand there is no issue.
I'd love to stick the carp in the deltas and the pond behind albertsons on Coburg road, I almost never see them under 5-6 pounds in either spot. I've never fished for them there because of all the weeds...
Carp at blue lake should be easy to kill.
Sauvie Island sloughs are also a good place.
Fisher.King said:
I'd love to stick the carp in the deltas and the pond behind albertsons on Coburg road, I almost never see them under 5-6 pounds in either spot. I've never fished for them there because of all the weeds...

if i ever see anyone bowfish for carp they'll be goin in the drink. it's illegal in a lot of states for a reason, its $^&%&% inhumane.

TT: do you have ANY idea how good carp are for ANY still water eco system?... please... not to mention they are still the number 1 foodfish from freshwater and actually relied upon by some

they eat a lot of the oxygen producing vegetation but they also do a pretty damn good job keeping lakes and ponds fishable for everyone to enjoy their trout/bass angling.

its funny how blissfully ignorant most Americans are to things they have no clue about. carp are in your lakes, rivers and ponds for a reason, you think they just grew legs over night and walked there? or some avid carp anglers planted them there?

you think if they were even the slightest threat or nuisance it wouldn't take odfw a few weeks at most to dredge the ponds/lakes and eradicate them? or post a notice that they must be destroyed when caught?

I hate bass. they are boring fish, they fight like wet blankets and are pretty ugly to look at. I'll take my shotgun to them next time to save you the trouble of having to catch and go through that...


cmmon now..
Bass dont fight as much as a carp of course. Dosent mean there stupid.
Carp can overpopulate a area REALLY fast. Why is that a bad thing?
When they feed they stir up the bottom. Of course there bottom feeders. What can that do? well It uproots plants and stirs up the lake. Making it seem muddy.
Lets have a example.
Blue lake and Fairview lake.
Blue lake used to have a lot of carp in it until they started removing it. Now it dosent have as much carp. (and it gets 1 carp less everyday in the summer ;) ) Now its a nice Clear blue color.
Fairview lake, Has the same Species of fish. Same flow and everything. But It has WAY more carp. The carp in Fairview stir up the bottom and make the lake muddy. Since there are no parks on Fairview no one cares about the carp problem. That lake is Muddy as hell.

Bow Fishing is Leagle for a reason. Same why theres no limit to carp and you can snag, Gaff, net, Tangle, Or Shoot carp. Odfw just dosent want to spend $$$ to rid carp of lakes and rivers.
oh noes, a dirty lake!!!

I'd LOVE to see families try trout/bass fishing on bethany lake or commonwealth lake (or any of the family type lakes odfw stocks with trout) if there hadn't been carp in it for a while... you know how much money it would cost to maintain with the amount of weed/lilly/pondscum etc?

there's a balance here.

if you condone bowfishing you have no right to call yourself an angler. that goes for any species of fish not just carp.

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