Boaters Be AWARE!! Clearwater boat ramp info

rippin fish lips
Well-known member
There is a new tree on the willamet river (clearwater) boat ramp. It has fallin above the boat ramn and archs down stream kinda around the boat ramp.

The water Is fast and very strong there, You have to swing around the tree and paddle up stream a little bit in order to make the boat ramp now. I think the tree needs to be removed because of its location. It is a potential hazard for boaters and rafters.

It looks like u can cut next to the bank over it, but trust me, you can't!!!!!!!!
If you try... you may pay the price... You will get stuck on it and that is a NONO!!

Just lookin out for you offers and other fisher peoples out there.
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Thanks for posting. Glad people post this kind of info, Literally can save lives. A lot of boats will be utilizing that ramp this weekend im sure
Yes, very good post/warning.
Yeah, thanks Rippin. That's good to know.
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Yes, great post!

I'll sticky this. Post if they remove it, please.
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your welcome! i have seen way too many close encounters with ppl and trees on the rivers. its not a pretty sight. ill keep u updated, i ddi manage to can't 2 trout. no pics tho lol
Christensen(crossroads) landing (willamette) off coburg rd has the same problem. (current is slower, have to row back upstream to get into the ramp. Lower water may not be passable. (or at least did a month ago when I floated it.)
Do you think the park pass we pay for covers fixing these things?, or do we need to get out the chainsaw.
It's supposed to cover maintenance but it's lane county...the other counties don't charge and their parks and ramps are in better shape. My vote goes to busting out the chainsaw.
JeannaJigs said:
It's supposed to cover maintenance but it's lane county...the other counties don't charge and their parks and ramps are in better shape. My vote goes to busting out the chainsaw.

I dont think trying to swim with a chain saw would be that good of an idea, The trunk of the tree is in the river to, wish i woulda g ot a picture of it tho... It's heard to explain, need someone in a boat or someone that wasnts to get wet to do it. Just a risk factor you have to think about.
A risk factor we shouldn't have to think about when we pay $30 a year for a county park pass. Irritating.
JeannaJigs said:
A risk factor we shouldn't have to think about when we pay $30 a year for a county park pass. Irritating.

It is way irritating! I hope they do something about cuz its not in a good spot at all
made getting out there a real work out tonight...i hate to have to pull on the sticks that hard....
Well considering a submerged downed tree was the result of a drowning a month or so ago on the mckenzie, one would think there would be more proactive measures around areas of heavy use. I.e Clearwater during springer season.
plumb2fish said:
made getting out there a real work out tonight...i hate to have to pull on the sticks that hard....

Yeah, see what a mean?! I mean most the people doing that float can prolyl pull around it just fine with some power... But others? its gunna cause them to miss there take out. And not to mention maybe even a death... Hope the park people pick up on this tree...
JeannaJigs said:
A risk factor we shouldn't have to think about when we pay $30 a year for a county park pass. Irritating.


Ok so i went by clear water again yesterday... NOTE: the tree/log is still there and hasnt been delt with prolly cuase of the high water.. but It's still there RIGHT ABOVE THE CLEAR WATER BOAT RAMP. It still curves down around it. It is a little under water more... so boaters be extra carefull! Espcially you sled guys. i saw one gut in a sled tryin to put it back on the trailer and was having a hard time because he only had so much space to do it in. I had to help him a little bit.
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Thanks for the info :) we'll be using it tomorrow to launch....
Thank you for the warning....This is why I love our OFF site. Everyone (for the most part) are looking out for each other and the greater good.
Holy hella old post revival. I'm pretty sure this has long since been cleaned up, this downed tree was from may 2011, as in a year and a half ago. I haven't used that ramp, but I doubt this kind of hazard would be left that long, even if it is lane county. I think most of the hazards from this spring have been corrected as well. Water is super low right now though, so use standard low water caution.
Since when do little details like the date of the thread have any bearing on the relevance.
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