Boat only or..??

I have never fished Timothy and would like to, however I do not have a boat, is there good fishing from the shore anywhere? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I did really well a couple weeks ago from my kayak, I was catching fish within casting distance from the bank for all but one bite. If you've got a good casting arm I think you stand a reasonable chance of catching some fish. It was funny because I caught 4 fish on 4 casts and overheard some people on the bank who were camping comment about how many fish I was catching, they had their rods right there and could have probably caught some too but seemed too content just watching to bother catching any fish on their own.

I released everything I caught so there should still be a couple fish left in the lake for you.
Awesome, thanks for the tip. what were you using. If you don't mind me asking. I grew up on the east coast using mostly spinners and the
occasional rapala. So far here in OR, the only fish I have hooked or caught have been with a very small perch rapala. Any thoughts? I am curious what
people here use, I have noticed a lot or power bait, that that is boring for me, I don't like staring at bobbbers, but I also don't like to fly fish.
I was using a black rooster tail with a silver spinner, it's my go to lure, I usually try other hardware, but most often catch with the black roostertail.
Hey I'm from back east too. Welcome to fishing paradise.
I did well with both greenish woolly buggers and silver on silver Blue fox #4 spinner at Timothy. I don't like to stare at bobbers either, so I got a two rod permit ($17). Set bobber and cast at the same time. It gets a little busy managing both rods but can be worth it.

What part of the lake were you fishing with your kayak. I purchased a kayak for fishing this year.


I parked at the 3rd campground on the south side of the lake and paddled from the ramp at the campground due north to the opposite side of the lake trolling a variety of hardware. I got a bite on the north side of the lake about 25 yards off shore on the black rooster tail so decided to keep that rigged up. The wind was starting to blow and I only had a few hours to fish so I paddled back across the lake near where I parked so I wouldn't have a tough paddle if the breeze picked up. I caught fish in the cove right near the boat ramp maybe 30 feet from shore casting parallel to the shoreline.

I can't say the fish will be in the same spot all summer long, but it worked for me a few weeks ago.
Had a good day on Monday, fished several spots from the shore along the trail out to meditation point. Hooked 3, landed 1, it was a nice 10" rainbow, since it was towards the end of my day I threw it back. Had the most luck with a black rooster tail, didn't even fish for that long. Spend most of the day hiking and searching out spots for future visits.
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