Blue Lake Park?

Hey there. My girl and I are planning to go out to Blue Lake Park on Sunday for a picnic and some sunshine. I am thinking about taking the ultalight with me and trying to get into some bass/trout/panfish. Is it worth my time to fish out there this time of year? Have any of you been fishing there lately? Any tips or hints would be great. Thanks to all of you.
Wow great timing xD. I went today at 9 and fished for a couple of hours. Didn't catch anything big but got so many hits on basses. I used texas style rigs weightless. Senko worms and Zoom Finesse worms and a 2/0 wide gap hook failed to get me a bass tho. missed over 10 hits. All the way at the end of the left side of the lake, theres this little spot i found that had a HUGE bass sitting there. It would inhale my bait, but when i set the hook i would miss. Don't know what went wrong. I failed to catch it as it swam away. There's a little clump of lilly pads and a lay down tree behind the lily pads. you have to cast over the tree to tget to the spot but its a good spot. And yes you lose a lot of tackle. I also missed this nice bass that took my worm. darn, was a good day but i was skunked on the basses. caught plenty of bluegills and sunfish tho, seems like they are spawning.
Thanks for the info. Guess I will take the ultralight and see what I can land. Better luck with the bass next time bassman503.
I caught My first and Last Largemouth There,
Nice Place,
The bass I caught were 7 - 10 Inchers but Its ok they still put up a fight.
And for Bluegill I use #16 Trevle hooks and a tiny piece of Worm.
Trout, I caught one A few days ago while fishing for carp on Corn,
Carp, PM Me,
Thats about it.
I was there saturday for the first time, fished for an hour or so around noon and caught 1 small mouth bass maybe 8" long, 2 longear sunfish in the 5-6" range and 5-6 bluegill. I was on the fishing dock jigging a small piece of earthworm near the weeds in 6-10 feet of water. My nephew caught one bluegill, my father in-law got skunked, I seemed to be the one with the luck yesterday.
Not bad for your First Time there.
Im going there Tomarrow Maybe.
I've been looking on the ODFW website and a few other places and I can't seem to find the regulations for Blue Lake. Is it known by a different name? Does anyone know what the regs are there in terms of size and number limits per species?
The regs are the Willamette Zone Regs

5 Trout 8" Minimum
5 Bass No Size Limit.
No Limit on Crappie, Bluegill, Catfish, Carp.
thanks for the info. I've been there the last 2 nights targeting the bass w/ no luck. Most of my time was spent casting over that fallen tree that Bassman mentioned. I set up the Texas Rig too, but I didn't have a wide gap hook, so I just used a 2/0 regular worm hook instead. I didn't even get a bite, could the hook be a factor? I was using a 4" yamamoto senko (white). I tried a Zoom worm (black w/ chartruse curly tail) for a while. And then I threw in Berkely Power toad (watermelon seed)..and nothin'. I'm getting used to disappointment, but I would still like to know what I'm doing wrong. Do you think I'd have better luck with natural bait?
I think what youre doing is right. It's just the time maybe thats effecting your bites.Well try everything.
Well I went out Yesterday And I caught 3, The ones I catch are small, Only like 10 INchs Long,
The Biggest one Ive caught was like 13 INchs,
But I have seen the Big 15 Inchers Swimming around,
Heres what I do,

I Use a Micro Jighead, and Put a small 2 INch Grub body on it and cast and Jig it on the Bottom,
Or Today I use a small Plastic craw on a Jig head, and I caught 3 on that,

I know where you seen that Big Bass, thats where I start out fishing every time I go there, I took my craw and casted it on the Lilly Pad Edges,
I casted on the lillys and as soon as it fell in the water I got a basses interest,

Did You see 2 Kids, One Taller then the other with a Addidas Bag? That was Me and my Friend, Sometimes we have a Black Backpack.
But if you see us just say hi and I wil help you out,
No, I was there from about 645-830. I was the only one out there for that last hour it seemed. anyway, did you catch your 3 at the spot w/ the fallen tree, or over by the fishing pier? and i'm new. so bare w/ they sell micro jig heads separately and you can throw on any kind of body on it..or do you use a reg. micro jig and attach the grub or crawdad by the hooks?
I use a Regular Micro jig but I think they sell the heads at Fishermans marine,

Im going there in a few hours.
Fishing should be good right now couse the weather.
I went out Sunday and landed one large mouth. Caught it flipping in the lilly pads on a brown roboworm. It was during the heat of the day so there wasn't much action. I saw a ton of perch and a few small bass swimming around but nothing was too interested in my bait. There were some people trout fishing that I talked with who said they were having absolutely no luck. I have to say that I was not too impressed with the lake in general. Some tool was hauling ass around the lake in a ski boat next to all of the kids on paddle boats. Didn't seem too safe for the kids. I may go back in the fall for some late bass action or trout but I don't think I will go back this summer.
Are you guys using floating devices to access the bass? I checked out the lake last month for the first time, but the only fishing access I see is from the main park. Is there another spot that's not so populated by the crowds?
Well Alll the fishing is in the Main Park but its only good at the ends where the Lilly Pads are. I have never caught one in the middle of the park, only at the ends.
Are you guys have success on topwater stuff, or letting it sink down to the bottom when you are fishing in the lily pads? Thanks.
There are 2 Different types of Bass there, Really Active, and Active.

The really active ones, You cast it in front of them and they attack it as soon as it hits the water they attack it,

The Active ones, You cast it to them and they get scarred, So you cast it a little further and Let it sink on the bottom and then Finess it or Jig it.

And sometimes, You can just cast and Reel FAST With no action and you will get one, I caught 3 like that.
So yesterday I fished the west side of the lake for about an hour and half. Damn this lake is shallow. I texas rigged some rubber worms, and also casted out some soft jerkbaits without any luck.

I did go around 1pm, in the heat of the day, so maybe the bass were further deep. Is evening much better? Do they come into the shallows when the sun goes down? A little float tube would be perfect in this area, but from shore, it seems I'm casting into 3 feet of water no matter how far I cast.

Are personal floatation devices allowed in this area, or do you have to rent canoes?
Yea, you can't use personal boats on Blue Lake until after October 1st. I've tried bassing on that west side as well near the fallen tree and lily pads with no luck. I remember reading in a thread that someone caught a smallie off the fishing pier jigging a worm on the bottom. The pier obviously gets you out to deeper waters, plus there's still plenty of weeds farther out to drop your line next to that the bass might be hanging out in. Next time I'm out there, that's what I'm going to try.

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