banjo minnow

hey I was just curious if any of you guys have used the banjo minnow before with any success I just got a kit and gonna try it out at hagg lake tommorrow a little bit to see if I can get some bass. If you got any experiences you should let me know thanks...
its SUCKS!!
Absoluetly no weight so they only sink like 6 inches unless you want to wait about 20 mins.
Then they dont have any action when you reel because it has NO WIEGHT!!
when I was a little kid someone gave me some of them and I ran the smallest ones on regular jig heads in the tualitin and caught plenty of smallmouth on 'em.
Sure they are better at catching fishermen than catching fish, but they do work.
Knowing what I do now, I stick to dark green or brown curlytails when I want to catch some blackberry fertilizer (bass)..

Sounds like you didn't have any of the sharp little lead chunks that come with 'em troutier.
I saw that the newer version comes with removable eyes which are also sinkers R the older the same?
The ones I was given had these chunks of lead shaped like pencils with "scores" along the length so that you could break them down to the size you wanted. They were about 5mm and round, up to a couple inches long If i remember right.
No lead eyes for the old ones, atleast the ones I had.
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Thats what My friend told me to do, But I havent tried it yet, Gonna try it this year, The glow-in-the-dark kind witha a jighead and try it for coho and kings in the fall.
Are largemouth bass any good for eating? I know smallmouth are pretty good but I've heard largemouth aren't that great. I never keep any of the largemouth I catch anyway since I want them to get bigger so I can catch them again but I was just curious.
if your catching them in places like the willamette or any river for the matter, specifically rivers with salmon/steelhead or even trout runs you should do Oregon the justice of killing them whether you plan to eat them or not.
They are a non native invasive species and are much more vicious a predator than squawfish that we have all tagged as so terrible (even though squaws are native). They are not supposed to be here, so I go out of my way to make sure every one I land dies. and becomes fertilizer on the bank so that atleast they will benefit oregon in one way.

Neither smallmouth or largemouth belong on a table unless you are in a survival situation in my honest opinion.
Or crabbing bait...
osmosis said:
if your catching them in places like the willamette or any river for the matter, specifically rivers with salmon/steelhead or even trout runs you should do Oregon the justice of killing them whether you plan to eat them or not.
They are a non native invasive species and are much more vicious a predator than squawfish that we have all tagged as so terrible (even though squaws are native). They are not supposed to be here, so I go out of my way to make sure every one I land dies. and becomes fertilizer on the bank so that atleast they will benefit oregon in one way.

Neither smallmouth or largemouth belong on a table unless you are in a survival situation in my honest opinion.

would have to agree dont usually whack anything other than carp or squaw but there is a time and place for everything and yaaaaa more than just a little vicious have caught them in the willy at skinners butte in eugene shocked me
osmosis said:
if your catching them in places like the willamette or any river for the matter, specifically rivers with salmon/steelhead or even trout runs you should do Oregon the justice of killing them whether you plan to eat them or not.
They are a non native invasive species and are much more vicious a predator than squawfish that we have all tagged as so terrible (even though squaws are native). They are not supposed to be here, so I go out of my way to make sure every one I land dies. and becomes fertilizer on the bank so that atleast they will benefit oregon in one way.

Neither smallmouth or largemouth belong on a table unless you are in a survival situation in my honest opinion.
Jeez, What did Bass Ever do to you?
Troutier Bassier said:
Jeez, What did Bass Ever do to you?

everyone enjoys a certain fish lol, happens he dont enjoy bass in his steely waters! predatorial devices they are!
Bass belong in the ponds. If I ever caught one in the river I would kill it too. Bass can be good eating depending on water temperature and cleanlyness. I don't think I would eat a bass this late in the year unless it came from a river.
Granted bass probably eat a lot of smolt. The bass aren't going anywhere anytime soon no matter how many people target them just to kill them. Just like the squawfish there's so much water that they live in fishermen aren't able to make a dent in their population. I'd bet that since they're cannibals who will eat even young of their own species they're probably better then we are at keeping their own numbers in check. Just like when you shoot a dominate coyote often two or three younger coyotes move into the vacated territory.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
When are all of you gonna start saying Pikeminnow instead of Squawfish???
Squaw means Girl in indian so thy ha to change the name.
I don't believe in being PC.
juggernaut506 said:
Granted bass probably eat a lot of smolt. The bass aren't going anywhere anytime soon no matter how many people target them just to kill them. Just like the squawfish there's so much water that they live in fishermen aren't able to make a dent in their population. I'd bet that since they're cannibals who will eat even young of their own species they're probably better then we are at keeping their own numbers in check. Just like when you shoot a dominate coyote often two or three younger coyotes move into the vacated territory.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Of course we can't eliminate them but we can try. Every dead one didn't live to see another spawn and didn't get to continue gorging on our already diminishing run of salmon and steelhead. Look to the example the chinese set on population control. Every dead salmon/steelhead eating bass is a good bass in my book. you can't tell me they haven't played there part in our diminishing runs of native fish. Besides 4lb bass or 30ld chinook? you'de be stupid to pick the bass.
juggernaut506 said:
Are largemouth bass any good for eating? I know smallmouth are pretty good but I've heard largemouth aren't that great. I never keep any of the largemouth I catch anyway since I want them to get bigger so I can catch them again but I was just curious.

Large mouth bass are awesome especially beer battered and fryed
Thuggin4Life said:
Of course we can't eliminate them but we can try. Every dead one didn't live to see another spawn and didn't get to continue gorging on our already diminishing run of salmon and steelhead. Look to the example the chinese set on population control. Every dead salmon/steelhead eating bass is a good bass in my book. you can't tell me they haven't played there part in our diminishing runs of native fish. Besides 4lb bass or 30ld chinook? you'de be stupid to pick the bass.

Well I must be stupid then Thuggin so thanks for the insult but you may want to look in the mirror. If your plan is to kill everything that eats smolt then you had better start killing off the salmon, steelhead and trout too because they like smolt just as well as other fish. Oh wait, you are already doing that. The biggest predator of the salmonids are people like you. Overfishing and habitat reduction is the main cause of the decline. But every time any governing body wants to reduce the catch limits to help restore the runs there is such an uproar from the fishing community that the proposal gets watered down to the point that it has no effect. So keep calling people that enjoy other forms of fishing that you don't like stupid and keep every salmonid that you catch and go right on being narrow minded and ignorant.
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Smile time..

Smile time..

juggernaut506 said:
I don't believe in being PC.

Gotta laugh at that...very P.C. of you :)
I can still hear my Mother "Honey sticks and stones can break your bones, but names will never hurt you". Funny how she could have been so right..


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