Awesome trip to Hagg lake 9/08

My dad and i went to hagg lake today. Got there right at sunrise. There were absolutely nobody there, except like two or three bank fisherman, but thats it! Great day we came home with a total of 37 fish!!! :dance: (I have to brag a little. i was catching most of them with 29 and my dad got 8). it was mostly yellow perch of all sizes. biggest was about 8" smallest was like 2-4"! A couple descent sized smallmouths. we also caught tiny largemouths (so we think. ;) ) Then i hooked a 10" largemouth. And then when we were fishing for bullhead near Scoggins (spelling) Creek I hooked a huge, meaty 15" rainbow trout!! "It put up a good fight!" is an understatement! (BTW we caught everything around Scoggins Creek and into a little hole near by.) And right when we left it started to pour! Great day! It was a blast! And to spend it with my dad makes it all 10x better! And oh ya did i mention i Caught all mine on a yellow roostertail Size 208!! and my dad on triple teaser and pink roostertail size 208!
Way to go dudes!

Cherish your moments with your dad as I do mine. The time flies.

My dad is currently in the hospital. He is getting better and should come home. But, he may not be able to go fishing any longer. I love my dad, and am SOOOO glad that he taught me how to fish. I now pass those skills on to the younger generations.

I'm glad you could spend that time with your dad!
that is what the lady at the store tells me lol.... there is supposivley a blue bouy out there near dock A and yu troll around it and you can get a lunker, i have looked and looked but no blue bouy lol
Thanks ya it was a blast. Infact we are going up there on Friday. If anybody else is we are going to be in a yellow raft lol. Im so sorry about your dad. Hope everything will be okay!
Thanks buddy. He should be released from the hospital any day now, and transferred for speech therapy. That is a very GOOD thing.
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