Anyone going for steelies early in the (AM) tomorrow?

Hey guys! I plan on getting to leaberg at dark just before sunrise tomorrow morning. Anyone gunna be out there? if so look for a guy in black shoes with purpple on the inside! lemme know if u r gunna be out there!
Would love to hook up with you one of these mornings, even if it's next year. Been busy these past few weekend mornings hauling crap to the time for fishing :(
Sorry for the late report guys! Remember how i said i was gunna have the camera and take a lot of pictures?! Yah well... I got there and realized i had forgot the darn camera! Was gunna take some great shots of the spawning springers, some even up in the 30pound range still.

I DO NOT TARGET SPAWNING SALMON. While steelhead fishing, i had 3 old stanky nooks hit my lures... not knowing if it was a steelie or nook each time, i still set the hook! Landed all 3, unhooked them and sent them on their way! (time in my hands, less then 15 secs for each stanky nook.

Besides all the nook comotion and splashing, i did manage to hook into 3 steelhead!! One of those steelhead was still in the same hole that i landed my most recent 29 incher out of. Hooked him in the nose as i watched him swallow my #2 spinner. They say fish can't fight in 1 foot of water?!?! YEAH frickin right!! I fought this fish forever, the fish wrapped me up several times around boulders and a few limbs here and there. I got her close to me (no net) I tailed her and she took off for some overhanging brush, she got under it and jumped into the frickin bush, breakin my line. She got suspended on a few branches (brush being thick) she flopped around tryin to free herself from the BEAST OF A BUSH she got caught in. On my way to go save her i see her fall through the branches and into the drank! Funnest fight of the year on a lost steelie i would have to say.

I then move down to some deeper water about 3-4 feet of water in a smooth calm tailout only to see 2 steelhead sitting next to eachother behind a rock. I start my presentation out small, throwing a number 2 spinner with no hits, tossed it on top of them and at every imaginable angel only to have them move to the side. That bein said i did not want to spook them with my lures. As you all know i am a hardware guy but i do fish bait when the bite is slow. I had some steelhead eggs i cured up, i tied up a drift fishiong rig with 2 feet of leader and a bait loop set up. Had an orange corkie for floatation, through that on above the hook. Cut up some cured roe into dime size chunks. Started casting, only to watch the fish move around more, following the scent trail i assume?

I kept getting hits, or so i thought. Kinda hard to tell when drift fishing with a 7'6" ultra light action rod. After a while of fishing and watching the steelies nibble on my bait i figured i had missed some good strikes. So i started fishing the hole harder working the bait right in front of the steelies, got one solid hit i go to set the hook only to see the fish start coming my way as the hook had caught the skin of the fishes lip. I real down a little more to mnake sure i can get a solid hookset when i see my bait shoot outa the fishes mouth, Darn i had missed my only chance of a solid hook up! Got 1 more solid hit after that, set the hook and watched both fish get spooked off, never saw the fish again! :(
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