Any chinook in the water yet?

has anyone had any luck or seen chinook in the waters yet i am anticipating this spring chinook season i hear it ganna be a good one
Yes there are a few spring chinook in the rivers. And I also heard it was going to be a good year. As of a week ago. In the Umpqua I've heard of 6 being caught. As for the Rogue only one. Sure those numbers are higher. Theres a slight chance of picking one up from what I understand. Just going to get better and better. They say after this storm system and high water there will be a lot more fish that have made their way into the river systems...Good luck out there!
Actually quite a few fish in the Willamette, will have to wait for it to clear to get after them. The Columbia is kicking out a few but I don't expect great things from that river this year because the season is almost a month before the fish show up. More of that "opportunity" stuff they like to talk about without any chance of us actually hurting a fish.
18# chromer so chrome it had that insane blue hue to it caught on the Columbia this morning. Hellacious day in a 12 foot boat with massive waves but the fish are in. There will be a report with a picture later I'm sure. It's a long haul but I'm gonna have to go back up there Sunday.
18# chromer so chrome it had that insane blue hue to it caught on the Columbia this morning. Hellacious day in a 12 foot boat with massive waves but the fish are in. There will be a report with a picture later I'm sure. It's a long haul but I'm gonna have to go back up there Sunday.

Whatchoo talkin bout Jeanna?
They have been catching springers on the lower C for a while now! They're just starting to move up through I-5 and should be in good numbers in about 3 weeks.
Good luck!
MMmm! 18lber! i wonder who caught that one? MMMMmmmm! Yeah lowest willamette and columbia area is producing fish. Not a lot but some for those who really want one bad enough. Lower C is to much of a monkey show for my little boat. In three weeks you wont be abe to fish the I 5 stretch if odfw and burger king have anything in common.

Mrs. Jeanna, I hope you do not mind me posting the picture on OFF.
Fishing has been slow in the portland area, Talked to Dean Pierce and he said that since the water is high the fish have just been blowing upstream.
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