Another beautiful float on the south coast

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Wasn't planning on fishing today,but I got a late call this morning from my buddy with the drift boat and pressured me to go.[it didn't take much].Headed south and splashed the boat about 9:30.We had to be OFF the water by 1:30 so he could get the kid Off the school bus at 3.I hooked this beauty on a big flatfish about half way down.We had another one on ,b IMG_4690 (1).JPG ut it spit the hook.Oh well.Beautiful day ! HAVE FUN!
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Reactions: Fishing Ham and Admin
Nicely done!
Beauty! Good for you Whip
Looks like a nice day and that sure is a nice feesh!
That's wonderful! I thought everyone on the forum had given up salmon fishing this year.
Great catch
Great catch their Whip. Looks like the Sixes. Drove by there Tuesday and the river looked great plus a few rigs at the grange.
Good eye.There were several other boats,mostly guides
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