Angry frogs at Sheridan Pond!!!

I don't know if this guy had a bad experience as a tadpole or maybe he's mad at me for all the relatives that I squished trying to cross the street in Frogger ... but he was ANGRY at my bobber!!! I noticed he was getting agitated everytime my line would land close to him so I took the hook off and cast out right next to him to see what he'd do.
Guess he showed me!

Nice vid.I've caught bullfrogs by using a red bobber and a hook.Bull frogs hate anything red,i've even caught one on a red black berry,it's crazy how bad they hate the color.They are tons of fun to catch for a mess of frog legs.Just walk around the edge of a pond with a pole with a small red bobber and a hook right near the base of the bobber and when you see one cast it out next to it and wait for the frog to attack it and put it in to its mouth,thne set the hook and reel them in.just make sure you have strong line to get them through the weeds.
Yeah we used to catch them all the time with bobbers because we werent eating them we didn't even use a hook and could still get some of them all the way in. and red always worked best.
Red is probably a mating color, indicating another male is moving on his territory.

So no wonder he's pissed off. Someone is trying to steal his girl!
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