“an old school” wet fly . . .

“an old school” wet fly . . .

. . . with all the new-fangled synthetic materials (does anyone tie a fly WITHOUT lashings of glitter & foam & UV promoters ?? ) . . .

( i am an old fart so am entitled to rant. Occasionally. )
  • IMG_0813.jpeg
Nice one @John3! I like that wing set and tinsel body...There are still some of us that stick to traditional materials...I do for certain patterns but some of the synthetics are so darn pretty and effective, they're hard to resist...as close to the ocean as I fish... bold, bright, and flashy are the words of the day..except when they're not ;)
notaspeyguy said:
Nice one @John3! I like that wing set and tinsel body...There are still some of us that stick to traditional materials...I do for certain patterns but some of the synthetics are so darn pretty and effective, they're hard to resist...as close to the ocean as I fish... bold, bright, and flashy are the words of the day..except when they're not ;)

. . . which do you rate above for success :

1.) Presentation


2.) Appearance
It depends on the species of fish...trout need appearance and presentation for the most part i.e. "match the hatch" because they are keying on specific food source that they see a lot ...anadromous fish, for the most part don't eat after they enter the river so presentation becomes most important and appearance less so...there's and old saying amongst steelhead/salmon fishers "they'll eat your car key if you present it right!"

All that said, your pattern is perfect for several different hatches that trout feed on like caddis, March brown, even a small baitfish...it can be dead drifted, swung, or stripped (don't tell anyone I told you to strip it :eek:)...stick with patterns like this and you won't go far wrong!

The flies you've posted here have been great, keep it up!
Very Nice tie John3! Its hard to get away from synthetics Completely! But we can still pay homage to the old flies and styles! (Im now an Old Fart for sure!) this is a fly my dad used in the 1930s: Royal Coachman😉
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