Alsea River fishing reports

Hellloo again! :D

I can't wait to start fishing the river for winters. When is a good time to start fishing? around Clemens Park area? Is it too early?


they been catching steelies on the alsea since december 1st they came in early this year
Me and Rippin fish lips along with my other friend Mike went and it was DEAD SLOW!!!! We started out below the hatchery and there was about 30 or so other people . only saw one fish landed out of everybody there and it was dark! We decided the crowds were not worth it anymore and went and checked out Clemens park. we found some really nice spots that should have had fish in them, but no fish anywhere!!! :( We fished a solid five hours and no bumps or anything.... water was low and clear too btw and saw no fish. at least everybody (almost) else was getting skunked along with us! Ha ha that place is a zoo!!!
i was there today seen 4 bright fish caught , agree need more rain, also real surprised not many there for it being a weekend
yeah alsea sucks.... dont waste your gas , just buy fish from store cook fish and play cabalas fishing games , dont go to that worthless alsea river.. there is no fish in there lol
Well me and my friend went again this morning and I, along with everybody else that I talked to got the skunkapotamus!!! No fish hooked for anyone. fished below hatchery and at Clemens . water was a little off color but levels were good for my preference. I'm pretty sure that section of the river is void of fish! Ha ha I have seen some torn out gills alongside the banks, some fresh and some old so I know there is a couple here and there. I thought the run would be pretty solid by now but there is barely any there yet....
Bummer about the skunk, the river was rising slowly all day and maybe they weren't biting. I might head up there soon cause the Slaw is 12 ft and rising - i've got the bug - gotta steelhead fish soon!!! Maybe i'll see you up there.
Yeah I probably won't head back out there for another couple weeks or so until the action gets better. just way to slow to make the trip.... :/
lol yeah alsea sucks no fish in that river , save your money just do yard work or go play golf
I was up there today too, I think we talked to you and your friend today about that private property BS.....Unfortunately we got skunked which was dissapointing since I have been skunked since last winter :( But enough whining NICE FISH!
I was up there today too, I think we talked to you and your friend today about that private property BS.....Unfortunately we got skunked which was dissapointing since I have been skunked since last winter :( But enough whining NICE FISH!
You must of been with the group of three younger guys? My buddy Patrick who is also a member here(Hawg_Slayer) got skunked as well. He had a couple bites on the spinner though.
Just up river from you in the next hole.

Oh ok. Were you there when some up there landed a decent hatchery fish? Looked to be 10lbs from where i was. How did you guys do?
Way to go shane! And your first trip there too! Nice work. I'm jealous ha ha. really hope to make up for my 0 for 2 on Thursday sometime very soon.
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