All Oregon fish run sizes

If you want to see how large run sizes are in Oregon, check out this site.
StreamNet Query

Once you click on a stream name, click "View Available Data". You then choose the "Trend #" in the left column to see year by year counts. It's pretty cool to see some of these little streams that have so many fish in them.
Just don't show this to any of those crazy meatheads who are going to go out and look for these little streams and try to snag some Natives just before they spawn.
Good luck!
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You just told all the tweekers...
Here we go...

Tweekers can't fish?
Fishtopher said:
Here we go...

Tweekers can't fish?

Do you like to fish with them?
What I got from the site is no more than stream names and fish count trends over many years. I seriously doubt that post is going to give 'Tweekers' some kind of new tactical advantage :lol:


I think my main concern would be the tweekers breaking into my truck and stealing my Meatloaf BAT OUT OF HELL cd, while im down fishing, tweekers love Meatloafs ironicly sad but up-beat love song style, and the cd's are getting harder to find every year!!!
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to tweek or not to tweek

to tweek or not to tweek

Ok, so what the heck is a "tweeker"? Is that what all theives are called now? Please forgive me for showing my the 60's & 70's they were just "hoods" and "dirty rotten sumb*tches".
Raincatcher said:
Ok, so what the heck is a "tweeker"?

A METH head...
Raincatcher said:
Ok, so what the heck is a "tweeker"? Is that what all theives are called now? Please forgive me for showing my the 60's & 70's they were just "hoods" and "dirty rotten sumb*tches".

No Barb "tweeker" is a slang word people use when refering to a person that is doing meth, coke or crack but for the most part meth. In peoples defence "tweekkers" are the ones for the most part out stealling from people. Myself at one time being a "tweeker" (16 years clean now) I know they will steal anything that isn't bolted down and now days they are stealing the things that are bolted down. Don't get me wrong the "tweekers" aren't the only ones out there stealing but they are for sure the bigger part of it. So with all that being said. I agree, I really don"t think that this little post is going to change anything much, that is almost as bad as someone thinking that posting where they caught a fish or two is going to ruin the spot they were at. Heck by the time someone reads a post the fish have most likely moved upstream from the spot they were caught at and posted about.
seanteevlo said:
If you want to see how large run sizes are in Oregon, check out this site.
StreamNet Query

Once you click on a stream name, click "View Available Data". You then choose the "Trend #" in the left column to see year by year counts. It's pretty cool to see some of these little streams that have so many fish in them.
Just don't show this to any of those crazy meatheads who are going to go out and look for these little streams and try to snag some Natives just before they spawn.
Good luck!
Well dang I don't even see any of the places I fish on that site.
I don't have a problem with tweakers, or thieves of any type. Whenever I fish alone I have a .40 cal subcompact belted to the side of my abs. If they have at least half a brain they leave me the heck alone. :D
ya who needs a gun tho i just use my sharp tongue cunning words and if they dont like it then they can leave or see the not so smart and nice guy that i am... but no guns for self defense unless its in my house to protect the family... i hate when i see some guy on the river with a gun on him.. just makes me wonder what hes trying to prove....or if he just is scared or to cowardly to use his words....
oh no here we go I agree I don't feel the need to carry a gun either but the last time we had a post about guns and what not I think a couple people got the feelings hurt. Lets just step back and relax now, everyone has there ways and reason for what they do.
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No,not this time!

No,not this time!

Ok,let's all remember to take a deep breath and shake it off. This really is not the place to discuss our pro's and con's of toting firearms. We have had this discussion and I think we can all agree that we are in agreement with about 1/2 of everyone here. This is not the discussion we need to hash over again. This is about fish,not flash.
Ok ok.. I shouldn't have mentioned it, and shouldn't continue the topic but I feel my intentions need to be addressed.

As far as I'm concerned, any rational person would never feel like they needed a firearm until they were in a situation in which not having one would cost them their life. That is not a situation I will ever be in. Per capita it doesn't happen very often yet it happens all the time.

I have been shooting and owning firearms since I was 5 years old. When I was in the Boyscouts (:rolleyes:) I was the 8th best 50 yard open sight shooter in the nation under 12. Not stellar but not to shabby either.
I am not some idiot out there packing trying to look or be tough. I wouldn't pull it on anyone for getting into my truck nor would I threaten anyone with it for giving me a hard time. However, if you put me in a situation where I am in genuine fear for my life, it's not going to be long before you find out you made a big mistake. With that said, my choice of wearing it exposed is specifically to prevent an escalation such as that from ever happening.
You can not agree with my choice I have no problem with that. But do consider that if were ever your life that was in danger and I just happened to be around, you would thank me in the end.

Lets not let this go any further. If I offended anyone I apologize.
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I don't think anyone was offended at this, this is just a topic we had at one time before and just think no one wants to see it get started again.
Now back on that fish count site thing I was looking on there and from what I'm seeing the last year it shows is like 2002. I was really hoping to see something more recent then that. Does anyone have something closer to the past two or three years. I'm wanting to see how much the numbers have dropped in the past years.
GraphiteZen said:
Ok ok.. I shouldn't have mentioned it, and shouldn't continue the topic but I feel my intentions need to be addressed.

As far as I'm concerned, any rational person would never feel like they needed a firearm until they were in a situation in which not having one would cost them their life. That is not a situation I will ever be in. Per capita it doesn't happen very often yet it happens all the time.

I have been shooting and owning firearms since I was 5 years old. When I was in the Boyscouts (:rolleyes:) I was the 8th best 50 yard open sight shooter in the nation under 12. Not stellar but not to shabby either.
I am not some idiot out there packing trying to look or be tough. I wouldn't pull it on anyone for getting into my truck nor would I threaten anyone with it for giving me a hard time. However, if you put me in a situation where I am in genuine fear for my life, it's not going to be long before you find out you made a big mistake. With that said, my choice of wearing it exposed is specifically to prevent an escalation such as that from ever happening.
You can not agree with my choice I have no problem with that. But do consider that if were ever your life that was in danger and I just happened to be around, you would thank me in the end.

Lets not let this go any further. If I offended anyone I apologize.

sorry if i sounded bad about my choice of comment....wasn't pointed towards you... if u have a firearm out there and you are nice and talkative as myself then cool.. i mostly just dont like the ones that if you get within 50 feet of a hole they are in and say hello or hows the fishing and they say nothing and make it a point to shake there hip at ya.... thats wat i ment to address but hope it didn't sound like it was towards you zen...
No problems everyone. :cool: It's just one of those issues.

Hip shakers are the ones I wouldn't trust to be rational.
Change of subject

Change of subject

What's with the PETA banner?
i remember last time when i had discussion like this with Arctic Amoeba and I was telling him how rude people can go over fishing and he advised that a 40 cal will shut the hell up .....just if they see it on your waist and hey i listened and i carry a 40 cal S&W...i call her "Sheeba"...she's the queen of jungle and she can take care of most of the things...
I hope i never get to use it other than when i go in the "range" to practice with my wife....
I'm on to my Remi AR 15 (308) and the hunt will be on pretty soon...i'm lookin forward for that....can't wait to get my hands on that beauty.

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