If you want to see how large run sizes are in Oregon, check out this site.
Once you click on a stream name, click "View Available Data". You then choose the "Trend #" in the left column to see year by year counts. It's pretty cool to see some of these little streams that have so many fish in them.
Just don't show this to any of those crazy meatheads who are going to go out and look for these little streams and try to snag some Natives just before they spawn.
Good luck!
StreamNet Query
Once you click on a stream name, click "View Available Data". You then choose the "Trend #" in the left column to see year by year counts. It's pretty cool to see some of these little streams that have so many fish in them.
Just don't show this to any of those crazy meatheads who are going to go out and look for these little streams and try to snag some Natives just before they spawn.
Good luck!