4.24.10 The "Olalla Report"


In short:

Fish: 0
Troutdude: 1 (healthy 16 incher)

Arrived about 6:30 this morning. Best spot was already taken. But, stayed for about 5 hours anyway.

Tried multiple colors of Power Eggs and Power Bait. Fish was caught while hurriedly retrieving my line (to check bait and re-cast line). Weird: have never had a fish hit power bait (green) on a high - speed retrieve...until today!

Also tried various Rooster Tail's, a Little Cleo (brass), a Blue Fox w/ blue body and chrome/silver blade, and a home made Silver / Green / Brass spinner. No hits at all.

VERY slow day for everyone, except one lucky guy. He had 3 or 4 15" - 16" trout when I left. And, he had C & R's several smaller ones. He was using either Chartreuse Power Bait or Yellow.

Oh well, despite not catching many myself and a short hail storm...still a good day. And, I erased the skunk odor from my trip to Timber Linn last Thursday.
:yay: :yay: :yay: Yay TD...way to go big bro!!!! :D You did better than me and the rest of us. Glad you don't have the smell anymore.....hip hip :dance:
I have never been to Olalla Lake and would like to know if it has good bank access for bank fishing or is a boat a better choice.
Usually, if you're not one of the first 3 people on the bank; you'll not have much luck. Occassionally fish are caught all along the bank, but that is a rare instance. Generally there are 3 pockets within about 60 feet of each other that both produce the most and the largest fish. So, a boat is a better bet. FYI-ONLY electric motors are allowed.

However, there is a spot for bank access; if you're willing to walk about a mile. I've wanted to check that spot after hearing tons of great reports. But, I'm not able to make it that far these days. I can show you were it is, if you like.
Yep, luckily that stink was short-lived. Got a wif on Thursday at Timber Linn Lake. But, got rid of the stench on Saturday morning.

And, he actually measured 16 & 1/2 inches in my sink last night. He had also taken either my bait--or someone else's--all the way down and into his stomach. I've never seen it so deep before.

Oh well, that's the least of his worries now. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
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