4/17/10 sandy river steelhead!

ok well i awnsered my own question about summer run steelhead , yep i had a blast at mrmont today guys i caught 6 fish landed 3 pure chrome bright steelies all hens loaded with buitiful eggs well i had to put one back cause it was a nate , all on my eggs with white and orange yarn and guess what my sister n law used her cell phone camera at my house to get pics for u guys!
god bless and good luck! ps also heard 4 springers caught at dodge park!!!!:D also my wife and kids and sister n law came down to the river tonight and it was awsome to see my wife watch me catch a fish she actulay caught part of the adrenaline rush!!!
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You know,if you keep this up you're going to have to store the excess fish in my freezer! LOL! I'm telling you,you're going to mess up the whole weather system with all the heat you're putting out. 8-) I love the smile and I'm sure it isn't as big as the one you had when you were bringing those in in front of your family. Good for you!!!
:clap:Way to go bobberdown...I always love your stories and your attitude:D Springers @ Dodge chrome steelies near Marmot....I better get out to the Sandy:cool: keep it up:)
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