Owyhee River report

So myself and a few buddies go twice a year to the Owyhee river, once in March and once in July or August, since those are the best months on the O. In March we posted a video on Youtube but not really a report. This time we don't have a video but I do have a great report for you guys.

So, the Owyhee is hands-down the best fly fishing location in Oregon for trout. The brown trout average size is around 17-18", and although the rainbow trout population is not as prominent, there are some rainbows in there and some absolute footballs of rainbows.

We went July 11-15, so five days of pure catch and release brown trout fly fishing. The fishing was spectacular. I mainly used a hopper/dropper with a size 10 tan Fat Albert pattern from Big Y Fly as well as an assortment of nymphs I tried under the hopper, such as all different colors of zebra midges as well as flashback pheasant tails. My buddies were using similar rigs but double-nymphing rigs were working well for them as well as some midge dries.

One of the things that makes the Owyhee special is its average fish size, plus the fact that it is a small river. Most of the brown trout you'll be catching are between 17 and 21 inches, and they are fat and strong to match their size. Not only that, but we had some 40+ fish days, and catching 4 dozen twenty inch brown trout in one day is absolutely incredible.

Unlike March, the fish at the Owyhee in July were fat and incredibly strong. There were times where the midges were hatching so much that in one hole you could literally see at least 50 brown trout constantly rising..it was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. Anyway, we had a great time fishing for monster browns. We caught them in all types of water (slow, wide stretches, riffles, pools, runs, etc.) and they were a blast. The fishing tended to be the best from 5:30 AM-10 AM, then it would shut off until around 3 PM and the fishing would be amazing until dark.

Up closer to Owyhee dam was where we found some of the elusive Owyhee river football rainbows. The rainbows there are the fattest fish I have ever seen, almost as thick and fat as they are long. We caught some with rs-2 patterns and pheasant tail flashbacks. These fish took about 25 minutes to land and were absolute monsters. All in all, the trip was incredible. Here are some stats that we got:

Most fish in one hour (for one person): 17
Most fish in a day (for one person): 52
Biggest fish: 28" brown
Fattest fish: 23", probably around 5 pound football rainbow
Most fish out of one riffle/hole (for one person): 12

Total each of us caught at least sixty 20"+ brown trout, and each of us caught around 100 fish for the whole trip (3 full days and two half-days).
Also, the weather was crazy with tons of thunderstorms and hot sunny weather.

ALSO all fish were handled and released with proper care and were not out of the water for more than 10 seconds. Hands were wet before touching fish.

Here are some pics:

photo 2.jpg
This was about average fish size..

And a football rainbow

Absolutely fat and super strong

photo 3.jpg

and...this is a cool picture but it's upside down lol

Really nice fish. Congrats!
Great trip Sapo. Nice report. The O is on my bucket list.
Great report Sapo, but stop giving away all the good rivers! First the Crooked and now the Owyhee, next thing I know you'll be telling everyone the location to my secret lake! Just playin dude :) great looking fish I'm jelly.
Interesting history fact, the Owyhee was named by the surveyors sent to chart the river/area in honor of their guides/trappers who were slain after a confrontation with the local indians. They named it after their guides native land, a group of pacific islands we now call Hawaii.
Wow, awesome report. Looks like an amazing place.

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