2012 fishes

Hey all,
Been a while since I posted so I figured it was time to throw up some of my 2012 trout thus far. Most are all on the fly rod, which I am now in love with lol.
  • wooly.jpg
  • 24 fly.jpg
  • 23 pole.jpg
  • 23 fly.jpg
  • 21 fly.jpg
  • 21 fly 2.jpg
Got my buddy John down to the river and got him on his biggest bows so far as well. As you can tell he had a blast lol (note the smile on his face that lasted all day).
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NICE!!! i knew you would love fly fishing.. its hard to pick a spinning rod back up when you start fly fishing. welcome to the dark side
Some more nice bows on the klamath. Took my friends son down there with me and he caught his biggest bow to date. Had another great time.
Went out in the boat thursday and ended up landing between 18 and 20 nice bows on the fly rod. The smallest was about 18 inches and the biggest ended up around 5lbs. Missed 10-15 good takes because I was rowing. Had an AWESOME day despite the nasty cold rain and wind. Can't wait for the warm weather to start in :)
Nice fish especially with a fly rod. looks like fun. good to see a post from you again
Love the pictures!
Nice fish and pics Fishfry!!! I always look forward to your posts!!!
Great fish and pictures! Looks like every fisherpersons dream!
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Yeah it's been a while! Been wonderin where u been with all the pics!! thanks for sharin, so colorful and fat!! I think Fly fishing will be my next on the "to do" list. Time to go look at fly gear!

I want to go there!!
Nice fish! I need to use my crystal buggers in the river some time.
i love it, im so jealous right now
Nice pics!!
Nice pic's Ben! Good to see you're getting out and the married life ain't cramping your fishing style!

My oldest is living in K-falls again and the youngest was down last week for the end of the late goose hunt. Him and a buddy snuck away one day and caught about a dozen or so on stonefly and prince nymphs under indicators in the canyon. I'm just glad he made it out....he's been fussing with his fly gear for about a month now, driving me crazy! Flyrods strung up everywhere, leader crap and tippet stuff on the kitchen table, flies....and do-dad's....man flyfishermen have a lot of do-dad's!

I'm coming down when the lake gets good....gonna throw some seal buggers at some minnow chasing cruisers this spring! Also gonna hit the stonefly hatch in the canyon! It's been awhile since I've had to club rattlesnakes or pick ticks off of me!
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Thank you all :) @ Maddog, when you come this way you should give me a shout. I would love to meet up and do some fishing/learning. @ Rippinfishlips: As far as fly gear goes if your like me and have a very limited budget Okuma makes some great reels for the $ in my opinion. I bought the 5/6 SLV reel and it has done great so far, hard to beat for 60.00. The Okuma Helios reel is my next on the list but runs around 189.00 (still not really to bad when it comes to fly fishing lol). As far as rods go the SLV rods are pretty good for the low price. I am currently using a Redington 5 weight 5 piece rod which runs around 240.00 but have used my buddies Okuma that runs around 60.00 and was pleasantly suprised. Hope this helps some in your search.
Geat looking bows! Always wanted to try fly fishing, just can't start another money hole:)
Went out yesterday in the nasty windy weather and ended up landing 16 on the fly rod. Most were 18-22 inches with a 24 inch and a 27 inch hog tossed in the mix. I've never seen line cut through the water that fast before, it looked like a speed boat as it shot by me and 200 ft down range. All in all I had a blast. Used a purple minnow pattern trailed by a black bead head wooly bugger, that seemed to be the ticket for the day.
nice fish!!!

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