Nice pic's Ben! Good to see you're getting out and the married life ain't cramping your fishing style!
My oldest is living in K-falls again and the youngest was down last week for the end of the late goose hunt. Him and a buddy snuck away one day and caught about a dozen or so on stonefly and prince nymphs under indicators in the canyon. I'm just glad he made it out....he's been fussing with his fly gear for about a month now, driving me crazy! Flyrods strung up everywhere, leader crap and tippet stuff on the kitchen table, flies....and do-dad' flyfishermen have a lot of do-dad's!
I'm coming down when the lake gets good....gonna throw some seal buggers at some minnow chasing cruisers this spring! Also gonna hit the stonefly hatch in the canyon! It's been awhile since I've had to club rattlesnakes or pick ticks off of me!