12lb steelhead on the Clackamas!!!

is what i want to catch this winter. I took this last year for learning the basic species that didn't need tags, trout and bass mainly. and now i want to move on to bigger and better things. anybody got a few tips or tricks they would be willing to give for a new angler? I fish mainly the clackamas, but anywhere near gladstone would be cool. I know the basics of drift fishing...kinda. i have a slip bobber but don't really know how to use it just know what its for. umm i have spinners, mainly blue foxs but have some panther martins and rooster tails. idk. just really want to be an avid learner and catch a lot of fish this next coming year! so hook a brotha up! haha thanks guys.

tight lines.
I don't have any input being a newbie and a virgin steelhead fisher myself, but will be following this thread as it appears you are in my neck of the woods.
Read the book written by Jed Davis called Spinner fishing for salmon, steelhead, and trout.
Everyone that fishes the Clackamas dreams of a 12 lb steelhead...6-8 is a lot more common. Go hang out where others are catching fish, bug the tar out of those that will let ya, and listen to what they say. Pay attention to details...being only 2% OFF on 5 aspects is enough to take you out. Of the 10%.
I have caught one 12.8 pound hatchery outta the clackamas in about 6 years off fishing. Drifting eggs
fish everyday with spoons.. all winter, you will catch 3 fish... they will all be over 12 lbs. Or you could just drive 15 minutes and catch 10 steelhead over 12 lbs out of the sandy, Good luck
halibuthitman said:
fish everyday with spoons.. all winter, you will catch 3 fish... they will all be over 12 lbs. Or you could just drive 15 minutes and catch 10 steelhead over 12 lbs out of the sandy, Good luck
^ Cha Rite!
halibuthitman said:
Or you could just drive 15 minutes and catch 10 steelhead over 12 lbs out of the sandy, Good luck

I Am At A Loss For Words, While Simultaneously Laughing My Self Silly.

I Do Believe Your Decimal Is In The Wrong Spot However. Should Read: Drive For 1.5 Hours And Catch 1.0 Steelhead Weighing 1.2 Pounds. While Asking Your Self...Clipped Trout? Is That Legal. There. That About Sums It Up.

This Message Brought To You By The Letters O, D, F, And W; And By The Number ZERO. AAH AAH AAH.

Smitty - Out
imfishing said:
I Am At A Loss For Words, While Simultaneously Laughing My Self Silly.

I Do Believe Your Decimal Is In The Wrong Spot However. Should Read: Drive For 1.5 Hours And Catch 1.0 Steelhead Weighing 1.2 Pounds. While Asking Your Self...Clipped Trout? Is That Legal. There. That About Sums It Up.

This Message Brought To You By The Letters O, D, F, And W; And By The Number ZERO. AAH AAH AAH.

Smitty - Out
aww smitty... why the negativety... everyone knows you can walk across the sandy on 18lb natives... just sayin..
Hit the sandy (cedar creek) and the clack. I learned on those rivers. Its "combat" fishing but you'll find mostly nice people willing to help. Not so combat-ish. If you want to drive go to N. fork Nehalem or Wilson It'll be packed but you'll meet people and learn. Finally move around, dont stand on one spot all day try to figure out what water looks like where fish are being caught, such as cover, ripples, bends, depth, etc.. FIgure out what good water looks like then....Drive OFF and go find your own seceret peice that always has a fish for you when you arive in the dark hours of the morning! Shoot for your fisrst chrome, then be size particular
Good Luck -TM
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I'm going to have to agree with trout on this one. Catch your first chrome then start being size particular. As far as learning, start reading the forum. Use google and ask questions on it. That's how I learned and i'm still learning. I just took up Salmon and Steelhead fishing just over a year ago. I started learning steelhead on the summer runs, easier to catch from my experience. Ask questions, a lot of people will be willing to help. Find the crowds and watch as your fishing to see what they use and how they use it. I love drift fishing but i'm getting into the bobber and jigs now. Spinners i've never had good luck on except on summers.
Good Luck!
12 lber isn't too uncommon out of the clack....This is my backyard river been fishing it since I was 12. I'd say I've got about 5 near 20. ( around 40") 10 pushing 15 and plenty more in the 10-12 lb range...I do my best for the biggins in February/March.
Its kenny yo

Its kenny yo

WillamiteNewbie said:
is what i want to catch this winter. I took this last year for learning the basic species that didn't need tags, trout and bass mainly. and now i want to move on to bigger and better things. anybody got a few tips or tricks they would be willing to give for a new angler? I fish mainly the clackamas, but anywhere near gladstone would be cool. I know the basics of drift fishing...kinda. i have a slip bobber but don't really know how to use it just know what its for. umm i have spinners, mainly blue foxs but have some panther martins and rooster tails. idk. just really want to be an avid learner and catch a lot of fish this next coming year! so hook a brotha up! haha thanks guys.

tight lines.

Hey jimbo i can take u out most any friday. I can show you how to run ur gear. I can't teach you water levels and fish migration and all that. That part takes time. But i can teach you some keys on water types and show you how to properly set up that slip bobber and jig. You just can't let your purse get too heavy. Lol. No calling tony or me and saying im sick. Or i had a wrestling match lastnight. Lol.
Who helped you with your first steelie jimmy? That's right. This guy!!!
TeamRamRod said:
Who helped you with your first steelie jimmy? That's right. This guy!!!

Yeah, but who is the guy that finally pulled a 12+ pound hatchery outta that river just the other day? This guy! LOL

And HHM was partially right...tossing spoons every day will get you a few fish, but they for sure weren't all 12 pounds...just that one on Sunday so far, but it was definitely a spoon that did the trick :)
TeamRamRod said:
Who helped you with your first steelie jimmy? That's right. This guy!!!

Who has two thumbs and helped u with ur first two steel in the same day? Yeah this guy

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