10/23/11-The bite was on

After reading TimberTodds post around the nice peaceful water and environment out on the lake, coupled with the Mid Valley Bass Convention going on south of me this weekend I began to itch uncontrollably. I decided to head out to Hagg about 4:30. I arrived at about 5pm and as I arrived to the rock area near the dam I only noticed 2 parties of boats. Once I got situated I heard a commotion on one of the boats followed by conversation about “Fish On”. A fish appeared to be boated (couldn’t see what it was) I heard some chatter and the quote “That’s 13 today”….needless to say that fueled my pursuit. As the 2 boats drifted off around the corner I had the place to myself. No wind, no noise….just a peaceful peaceful evening. At about 5:30-6 I began to get bites, from there on out the bite was on. I was tossing a Jig head with a 3” tube , and also a 4” purple Senko on a worm hook no weight.

I manager to get 6-7 Bass on, and 4 of them I was able to actually catch and admire and snapped some pictures. Bite after Bite I was getting and finally had to pull myself away due to sun almost being down. All and all it was one of my more successful trips out at Hagg in the last couple months and got the blood flowing and a perma-grin on my face that has lasted until????……..well, I am still grinnin’.

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Good job. Nice pics. I still haven't gotten my first one on a fly. Trout have been keeping me busy.
Nice going Hendo. Glad you made it out and were successful.
Agreed bro. You've put in your time; so you were due for good day at Hagg. Nice pics.
nice fish!
Great job Hendo We share your pain they will be prying the frozen bait caster from our hands telling us its ok, you can come in now, spring will be here in just a few months
Great job hanging in there, Hendo. That Hagg bass bite really comes on at day's end.
Good deal Hendo, this proves there is still bass biting up north for us.:dance: let me know the next time you go out, I might have to join you.
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