Recent content by Trout-tacular!

  1. T

    Redington subzero hybrid waders - thoughts?

    They're not getting a favorable vote on their site that's for sure. 2.48 out of 5 stars, ouch. Of course that's only voting, I didn't really see any written review to follow any of that. For me, for $300, you can't beat a good base layer system (capilene, smartwool etc) with a known solid pair...
  2. T

    Nymph\streamer rod suggestion

    My go to streamer rod is a Beulah 9' 6wt Guide series (I think they're called Classic series now). They also have a 9'-6" 6wt Platinum series.
  3. T

    Tankera flies...

    Yeah, with the reversed hack and that 'flutter' I was thinking the flies would be a good style to use for a crippled or emerger. Like a stuck emerger in a furry trying to escape its exoskeleton. That action should be enough to draw some attention. And what's this "if the trout season opens" - I...
  4. T

    Tankera flies...

    Thats what I thought too. Looking fishy is what gets me to fish something. Well there goes using them on some of my rivers (Fall and Metolius). But the Crooked or perhaps around town on the Deschutes sound like good candidates for trying them. Thanks for the info HHM. And no, I'm not really...
  5. T

    Tying benches/set-ups.....let's see your worksite!!

    Nice. Gotta like mom-in-laws who know their son-in-law. Its nice, simple, compact...I like it. I aspire to have that in my life but always fall short. Nothing in my life is simple and compact. I pin it on the toddler and his puppy running around but I know its more me than anything.
  6. T

    Tankera flies...

    I don't use a Tankera rod, doesn't really appeal to me to even try it, but I've been hearing about Tankera flies and how a lot of Tankera fishers just use one fly pattern. I'm always after new patterns to try, just don't know if these fly patterns are specific to Tankera and if so, why. Does...
  7. T

    Don't know why...

    The Bend Casting Club will be hanging out at the f3t (both days Feb 12th and 13th) in Bend with TU, Fly and Field Outfitters, and I believe The Fly Fishers Place. Just an FYI for those looking to go to the festival and maybe meet and greet.
  8. T

    Don't know why...

    Thanks, we appreciate it.
  9. T

    Don't know why...

    Right on, thanks. Gabe Parr and a couple others started it a few years ago. The others dropped off. I just recently jumped on board to help Gabe as much as I can. We're hoping to really get it off to a good start this year and to have a fun and eventful year, with many more to follow.
  10. T

    Don't know why...

    There's a website for the Club in the works as well that will be interactive with articles, videos and what not.
  11. T

    Don't know why...

    I don't know why I didn't post this under Fly Fishing instead of the the Central Oregon Fishing. Its more fitting. Sorry for the double post. Just wanted to get the word out for the Bend Casting Club...a free club by the by. Check out their FB page to show interest, ask questions, discuss...
  12. T

    Reel selection..

    Here is my take and criteria for a 'balanced' rod (i.e. fly rod and reel). Balance the rod and reel, with some line out of the rod tip (there's some debate to how much; enough to drape the ground a little but no more than 30 feet). Put the rod on your index finger where your forefinger usually...
  13. T

    Reel selection..

    Not sure if this is what you're looking for but here's my 2 cents on reels: Echo Ion reel is pretty good for the price and I' happy enough with the one I have for my switch rod. I swear by my Lamsons. Lamson's lower price model, Konic, is well worth the price (IMO) and I'm pretty happy with it...
  14. T

    Tying benches/set-ups.....let's see your worksite!!

    New year's resolution: get organized. Thanks for all the inspiration. I'll try and get it done sooner rather than later and contribute.
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