Recent content by RIVERFISHER

  1. R

    Visiting Eugene next week - no car - want to get a line wet!

    Lits of steel all over willy... right outside of alton baker were canal goes to river... or the town run bye d street... last two weeks through day island to back behind skinners we have hit abiut 8 or 9 fish.. mostly on weekends cause to busy to fish during week:(... good luck.. if ya need any...
  2. R


    crockpotting duck i heard is really good.. my friends wife hates gamy stuff and she said it was darn good from what he told me...
  3. R

    Unauthorized hunting on my land!

    i have seen a few bald eagles eating sheep out towards coburg were my mom and pops finnieus polebender live... got some cool pics to..
  4. R

    Gonna try this afternoon

    i wouldnt have it any other way.. the livingston might be the best bass killer i ever had.. gonna be sad if that thing ever bites the dust. we needa repair ol lexus the livingston..
  5. R

    Fly rod fish!

    If hes your friend then sorry i said anything.. just didn't think its right razzing someone is all. to be honest you didn't need to call names though but i guess that just shows your age. all you had to say was hey we are friends and im flicking him sh** .. i woulda sayed sorry and left it at that.
  6. R

    Fly rod fish!

    ifishforfood, you and your little boyfriend sts slayer need to get off his jock and chill.. What you guys dont have anything better than to razz a 13 year old.. Kinda pathetic i think.. Sucks that i havnt posted in awhile and what gets me to post anything is 2 idiots being jealous and razzing a kid.
  7. R

    First large mouth bass

    bad luck to keep a largemouth.. im still in a slumpo affter lettin certain someone keep a fish in my boat..........
  8. R

    Team Polebender invades the pond

    it is real awsome feeling seein the nephews nail fish and watchin my boy dominic standing up on the front of the boat topwatering bass. hes a natural.. i started tellin him to set the hook like a man and then got afraid he was gonna backflip his butt outta the boat. hes like his dad tho.. does...
  9. R

    My First Bass of The Year!

    Just so u know I scouted the way into that pond but u guys beat me there... I showed up a lil late but found an easier way in
  10. R

    Alsea Thursday

    Last chance I'm leavin at 3 ish maybe a lil after...
  11. R

    Alsea Thursday

    Anyone want to take off super early and go hit up bye the meathole or Clemens on Thursday don't want to drive to far past the town of alsea unless someone knows a good spot... Chip in like 10 bucks of petrol and let's go... I do want to leave pretty early tho like maybe get there few hours b4...
  12. R

    Alsea River fishing reports

    Yes sir and was just gonna put my order in.. Thanks a ton.. Gonna figure how many I want.. And colors.. Might just let unsend me ur fav colors tho lol.. Thanks again..
  13. R

    Alsea River fishing reports

    Or floating little jigs like yours On a fly rod...seems to be nailin em and landin a lot of fish at the meathole.. My buddy told me... He said the locals don't take likely to him glyfishin there tho even.. Just cause he always has fish banked...
  14. R

    Heading to Eagle Creek this morning

    Ya a nice blue or green glow corkie. If a fish is there u know it. They hammer it. U know you are not bumpin bottom and wondering if you are gettin a bite. I like glow corkie over a worm.
  15. R

    Heading to Eagle Creek this morning

    U can fish an hour b4 sunrise. I usually get to crowded holes 1 to 2 hours b4 sunrise.
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