Your first steely??

so i was just wondering how long take you guys to catch your first ever steelhead and how big was it? I havent get my first one but im trying to see if i could be anytime soon? my brother in law told me it took hem over a year and it was a 28 incher:think:!
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i think i got lucky and got two winters within my first couple months. i work with a guy that has been fishing out here his whole life and he puts me in front of fish every week. haven't got a summer yet though.
I caught a few on accident while trout fishing as a kid, but once I transitioned into steelhead fishing it took me about 2 weeks to start catching them. Some people get into them right off the bat while others take forever. Just keep going after them and don't give up, there's chrome in your future:D
got into one intentionaly down at the umpqua, searching and hunting, and changing, moving and it on roe, knew it was a big fish once i set the hook, got her to the bank before she gave me a show jumping and splashing...then put the net on her, turned out to be a 12 pound native female that i was glad to release!
I have only caught one steelhead, caught it last Febuary and it was my first season after them, and was glad to release my 10 lb native hen, and i though it was a good sign that is was chrome:D. Never gone after them since.:(
When my mom and I started targeting steel head, I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks before we got into one each...... It can be very frustrating, I had the voodoo curse from aycheedubblehawkeystix for a long time. Just remember to keep having fun. It really cuts down on the frustration and makes it all worth while.
I was 7 when I landed my first one. I actually landed my first two in the warden hole on the north. I dont know how hard I was really targeting them at that age. But I caught my first fish when I was 3. So I guess its fair to say 4 years. Well 4 years until I hooked my own, I reeled in a bunch of my dads tho.
Last November @ McIver. First day...numerous take downs, but none to the bank. Next day I show up and there is a tree blocking the road so I walk from the entrance to the river( 2 miles!!!!). After numerous take downs.. I finally land a nice little 28" late summer hen. Well worth the walk. I had some experience salmon fishing and I ended up catching a bunch of winters this year, but the last 3 months have slowed to a crawl for me. Out of 30 times I only caught about 5 fish. June has given me 2 nice cuttys but that's it. It all depends on where, when, conditions, bait used, and a little luck. Have fun with it.
I bought my first tag beginning of last summer and only had fished below foster on the south santiam a few times without any luck. Then I went to fish the Deschutes last summer, but the white river was blown out making the fishing impossible. So I went to the mouth of the John Day River and was casting spinners and caught a hatchery fish! It was 23" and probably 5 pounds but still a keeper. This winter I was able to land 4 fish and put one on my tag. So after the first one it does get easier and the time on the water helps you a lot.
I bought my first tag beginning of last summer and only had fished below foster on the south santiam a few times without any luck. Then I went to fish the Deschutes last summer, but the white river was blown out making the fishing impossible. So I went to the mouth of the John Day River and was casting spinners and caught a hatchery fish! It was 23" and probably 5 pounds but still a keeper. This winter I was able to land 4 fish and put one on my tag. So after the first one it does get easier and the time on the water helps you a lot.

I agree. And I caught my first steelhead on the John Day as well! :)
i was a cross park this morning and a guy next to me landed a really nice 30 incher i have a pic but dont know how to put it here
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I caught my first steelhead back in '08 when I was 13 at Herman Creek floating a jig. It was also my first time steelhead fishing :D Luckily it was a keeper too! Lost a ton of fish! Haven't fished for steels in forever!
couple months ago i took my dad fishing..... my dad caught one after just 2 hours, first time fishing for salmon/steelhead, first time fishing in 10 years...
my first steelhead... well let me start of with this, one day 2 years ago my friends dad took me fishing on the mac, we found this nice looking hole! he's never seen that area before. well the first fish we caught out of it was a 21" cutty! i didn't hook any that day but he ended up hooking about 10 in that whole (first time fishing it). he told me to keep fishing it and not give up. Well after he left i kept fishing it for 2 weeks and after that 2nd week i hooked my first salmon! i didn't land it but saw it! it was a monster! probably about 35 inches, it broke me off. kept fishing it and 1 more week later i hooked a 28" summer but was spawned out steely, put up a great fight! landed it, no net...and was by my self so it was hard at first. let it go back to live the rest of its life tho! :) and now i keep catching them! sorry no pic of em yet thos =/

keep fishing guys that are still tryin for there first! it will pay off! put in the time and dont give up!
I started fishing for Salmon and Steelhead 5-1-2010. 5-3-2010 I hit Mciver park at 7:30am and Had my 1st steelhead by 7:45am. I was very lucky cause there were guys there since 3:45am. It was a little over 30" and almost 12lbs. I have been very lucky I have got 5 steelies and 2 Nooks so far and lost 3 times that many.:lol: Rookieitis! I just keep hitting the river and getting to know the 4 holes I have chosen, over and over and over! now I know them pretty good so if there are fish in there I can usually hook em "if they are in there", landing them has been my problem:lol: Hang in there and keep going to the same holes and learn them from top to bottom at different levels and water temps and you will get em.

Got one my first year after I bought my rod and real and started targeting them.
Caught a few more that year.

Averaging about 6 per year. Has only been about 3 years now.

Really want to take it up, but need to spend more time on the water to improve my catch numbers.

Each one is a joy.

My 1st came in January 1981! A 37", 17 lb. buck on the North Fork Alsea. Caught 2 other 7-8 lb steelhead that day as well, came back the next 2 days and limited in the same hole as well! Haven't looked back since! I'll never forget that 1st steelhead though....big colored up buck with a bright red stripe! I was fishing with my Uncle, there was about 8-9" of fresh snow and the river was desserted!!! Hooked the big buck, didn't have a net, my uncle looked like a big ole' bear in his coveralls trying to wrassle the fish up onto the bank! Good memories!!!
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