Woodburn Pond

Hey guys anybody here ever fished a Woodburn Pond the one thats by the I-5? If yes what kind of fish is there? Anything interesting?
Woodburn Pond

There is a good population of bass there, but not much more then 6 pounds. There are also a ton of stunted bluegill. I've heard that there are catfish, too, but I have never caught one or tried.

There is also a big patch of poison oak on the far side, so watch where you walk.
That place is a $hit hole! I went there once, it looked like a dump, and i left. It reminded me of St. Louis Ponds back in the day. Heard of decent fishing there though.
This is a River in Indonesia, Now this is a dump.
ok, you got me there. :lol: Let me re-phrase that. The Woodburn pond isn't quite a dump, but it's pretty trashy!
Chromatose said:
This is a River in Indonesia, Now this is a dump.
whoa! almost tricked me.... thought that was a parking spot on the wilson by mid march!
Chromatose said:
This is a River in Indonesia, Now this is a dump.

Next time you go to McGrath's Fish House or Newport Bay Restaurant look at the catch-of-the-day board. They always show their "fresh" Tilapia being from Guayquill, Ecuador. DON'T EAT IT!!!!! That is their sewer. I was their last year and the waterfront stinks to high heaven. Thank God for my Hep-A shots!
Oh man! Don't tell me that! :shock: I love tilapia or at least I did. Does that mean all McGrath's here get their fish there? Whatta bummer...:think: :(

Be safe.
Betcha you could catch some nice carp in there...... T&B..are you listening?:D
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Its TB not T&B?????

Yes I am Listening. THere IS Carp in there. But its in Woodburn and I Catch Carp at BlueLake sooooo It dosent really Matter. But thanks Anyways.
Raincatcher said:
Oh man! Don't tell me that! :shock: I love tilapia or at least I did. Does that mean all McGrath's here get their fish there? Whatta bummer...:think: :(

Be safe.
McGraths in Portland gets its fish from Pacific seafoods and ocean beauty, both buy chilean, or argentine farmed fish.... all tillapia for human consumption sold in the U.S is farmed.. so no worries, Now Farmed prawns and shrimp from thialand however......:shock::pray::shock:
Troutier Bassier said:
Its TB not T&B?????

Yes I am Listening. THere IS Carp in there. But its in Woodburn and I Catch Carp at BlueLake sooooo It dosent really Matter. But thanks Anyways.

Sorry TB, I was just fool'in with ya:D I was making reference to the river in Indonesia
Ohhh, That.

Are you Positive thats a River or a Landfill?
It's a river all right. Looks like it could catch on fire!!
Hmmmmmm. :think:

Oil and Roman candles would do that job.
bet it would take just one cigarette flicked out of one of those huts
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