WOO HOO...Rain equals............

i remember when i used to sunny summer and never want to fall and rain starts but now everithing change im praying for rain!!! i was so exited today for the rain!!!!
My apologies to the farmers out there.

But us fisherpeeps say...


Word. I smiled the whollllleeee way to work today, and everyone's griping about it, but not I. My only gripe is, it's not gonna be enough to do much. :( SOON THOUGH!

Haha until everything starts flooding :l
was their enough rain on the upper reaches of the clack to draw the silvers to the mouth? There is still very few fish there and I'm getting impatient.
was their enough rain on the upper reaches of the clack to draw the silvers to the mouth? There is still very few fish there and I'm getting impatient.

Probably not; but it couldn't hurt to go look...or call a local tackle shop or guide.
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