Wilson River

I went out today and got 1 nice native. The river was slow today i only heard of 1 other fish being caught today and just a few yesterday. Going back down next weekend hopiing for some better results!

Anyone having any luck there??
Me and my buddy both got a limit of steel in less than 3 hours yesterday. All bright ones to! Another group of our friends was down lower and did good to, three of them each got a limit and 2 others took 1 each. So all in all I think the Wilson was just fine yesterday, Friday and Saturday was good too, took a limit both days as well.
Awesome fish dude, I need to get out there, I'm missing out!
Nice fish man!
beaverfan said:
Awesome fish dude, I need to get out there, I'm missing out!

Thanks beaverfan. Yeah you gotta get out there like right now! Another couple of days and it will taper off considerably, those very words came out of the mouth of a close friend I have known since middle school who works at top secret hatchery program on the Wilson, that's right I said top secret hatchery program on the Wilson! It is actualy old news, has been going on for many years without the public knowing. Anyway, he keeps a very close eye on fish counts and what not and he feels that we are gearing up for a big push of fish from the ocean in the next couple days. He says these ones don't lolly gag around so be ready for them because they will cover 20+ river miles in a single day.

A little tip, I got both of my fish on a #6 Blue Fox, was metalic blue, I got some hot orange paint out and painted half the blade orange and then added poke-a-dots to the body. One fish slammed it before the blade began turning! My buddy got his on green #6 blue fox with brown dots.
Thuggin4Life said:
Nice fish man!

Thanks! Are you gonna make it over here for some action before it's all over?
Now I just gotta talk the girlfriend into getting up at the butt crack of dawn to go fishing on her day off (tomorrow) hopefully I don't have to bribe her too much.
beaverfan said:
Now I just gotta talk the girlfriend into getting up at the butt crack of dawn to go fishing on her day off (tomorrow) hopefully I don't have to bribe her too much.

HAHA I know how that goes! A little advice that may help you to make the most of the day tomorrow, pack some extra warm clothes, gloves, hats, coats and maybe even thick socks. It was very cold saturday and sundays and windy to. No matter what I did I was cold all day long. My girl and my buddies girl both fished for about and hour releasing a couple natives and then the stayed in the camper playing cards and drinking the wiskey the rest of the day. We could not convince them to fish. The said it was too cold! I know for sure that is we had not brought the camper they would have made us take them home!

Good luck and let me know how you do!
Really now? I only hooked one fish yesterday and it was a native.. Everyone was saying it was pretty slow? Where abouts were you fishing? Im New to the Wilson.. And what are you guys using? I drift fish corkies and yarn usually, Maybe a pink worm. Any tips would be nice.. Good luck to you all and nice fish!
SteelmonKiller20 said:
Really now? I only hooked one fish yesterday and it was a native.. Everyone was saying it was pretty slow? Where abouts were you fishing? Im New to the Wilson.. And what are you guys using? I drift fish corkies and yarn usually, Maybe a pink worm. Any tips would be nice.. Good luck to you all and nice fish!

We fished mostly in the mid and upper river sunday and only the lower river saturday. I get extra excited when I hear people saying it is slow. Most will say it is slow because they arent getting bites or hook ups, most don't really have a chance anyway. Winter steelhead are really tough to fish until you learn how to fish them the right way. most try to fish them like they would fall chinook and thats why they don't catch any and say it's slow.

We were using #6 blue foxes with custom paint jobs. We got to drinking a bit saturday night and when we woke sunday moring to go fishing there was about 2 dozen blue foxes all painted up hanging from the rafters in the shop. We each took down a few and threw them in a can and proceeded to load the camper and the gals and head out. When we got to the first hole I bet my friend $50 I would catch the first fish and a $25 kicker it would be on a clown painted #6 blue fox. He lost and had to pay up. then he tied on a blue fox he painted green and brown (looked like a turd literally) and cought a nice fish. The ladies were using identical copper colored #6's one with purple zebra stripes and the other with dots scattered around. I used the same lure all day and had great results as did my friend.
ha ha , I see! Sounds like youve been fishing the Wilson awhile!

How would you normally fish these winters with the blue foxes?

and around what mile marker?

Sorry for trying to get every damn detail outta ya i just want to catch some steelhead! thanks
I'm heading out there tomorrow, rain or shine. Hope my lucky spot proves to be lucky!
Hahahaha I have a wonderful girlfriend. All I had to do was mention that fishing has been pretty good out there and now she's all excited to go in the morning! So I'll be out there tomorrow and aint leaving till I catch a fish I can keep!
beaverfan said:
Hahahaha I have a wonderful girlfriend. All I had to do was mention that fishing has been pretty good out there and now she's all excited to go in the morning! So I'll be out there tomorrow and aint leaving till I catch a fish I can keep!

Now that's the spirit!!:dance:

OK best of luck to both of you and I'll take $5 odds that she has a hook up before anyone else (this includes just a hook up, as well as landing a native or non native fish)

The girls both hooked up before me and my buddy on sunday moring:lol:
SteelmonKiller20 said:
ha ha , I see! Sounds like youve been fishing the Wilson awhile!

How would you normally fish these winters with the blue foxes?

and around what mile marker?

Sorry for trying to get every damn detail outta ya i just want to catch some steelhead! thanks

:lol: It's true I have been fishing the Wilson for many years. Well one thing I can tell you is look at the obvious places that you think they would be and then avoid getting too close, with the water conditions as they are it is super easy to spook fish out of a hole and once they are spooked that's it. Next thing, spread out and don't use the same thing as someone above or below you. It does absolutely no good (except for practice) to fish next to other people (they can ruin a stretch of water faster than anything) look at what others are throwing if you see a lot of corkies and yarn, use something else entirely different (invent something new) This is the most important so pay extra attention to this little bit: Dont walk right up to the waters edge unless there is no other way to get a cast all the way across the river, stand back a good ways and disect the water before making any casts. Target likely spots and plan your drifts acordingly, 1.) leave no gaps, make sure that each cast covers and slightly overlaps the previous drift starting at slighly upriver against the far shore 2.) each cast after the first you should try to work a little closer to your shoreline each time, this allows you to cover every inch of the bottom. If nothing happens, change your tactics. 3.) go to something that works middle water (like a jig and bobber or spinner) Work your spinner in to the current allowing the blade to flutter by the current rather than reeling is back (you should be reeling only slightly to keep the lure in the right depth, let the river do the rest) Try side casting spinners in behind rocks and logs, dont bring them back until they start fluttering. Use as light a line as you feel comfortable with (I like 8 and 10lb for mainline and 6lb for leader) Always have the secret sauce ready at hand (Garlic is a killer!!)

If you want to drift corkies and yarn, use colors that you rarely see, ask your wife to go to the craft store and find you some light blue or other subtle color, all the bright colors out there are fun but the fish see them everyday. Shorten up the leader!! This is a biggie, so many people I see have these rediculously long leaders, granted there are times and water conditions that dictate a long leader, on the Wilson I rarely use a leader longer than 24" and if using a corkie always peg the corkie by the hook with a toothpick, go easy on the weight, yet another big mistake a majority of people make is using way way way to much weight. Use 1/4" hollow lead and a 1-1 1/2" piece sometimes less and sometimes a bit more, but for the Wilson in prime condition it should be dang lite! use small terminal gear to like swivels and hooks, i use a super small ultra strong swivel from Fisherman's. Hooks, use 1's 2's and 4's

What ever you do, dont get lazy, make every cast count, one bad cast can wreck an opportunity.

Anyway that's about all I can think of without watching you fish the Wilson.
good advice! appreciated!
beaverfan said:
Now I just gotta talk the girlfriend into getting up at the butt crack of dawn to go fishing on her day off (tomorrow) hopefully I don't have to bribe her too much.

Hey man, I'll chip in. Gimme a holler if ya gonna go out.


Me and Ken will be hitting Wilson tom. We'll try upper working our way down. I'd like to see some OFF faces on the river. Good luck to everybody.
FishTastic said:
:lol: It's true I have been fishing the Wilson for many years. Well one thing I can tell you is look at the obvious places that you think they would be and then avoid getting too close, with the water conditions as they are it is super easy to spook fish out of a hole and once they are spooked that's it. Next thing, spread out and don't use the same thing as someone above or below you. It does absolutely no good (except for practice) to fish next to other people (they can ruin a stretch of water faster than anything) look at what others are throwing if you see a lot of corkies and yarn, use something else entirely different (invent something new) This is the most important so pay extra attention to this little bit: Dont walk right up to the waters edge unless there is no other way to get a cast all the way across the river, stand back a good ways and disect the water before making any casts. Target likely spots and plan your drifts acordingly, 1.) leave no gaps, make sure that each cast covers and slightly overlaps the previous drift starting at slighly upriver against the far shore 2.) each cast after the first you should try to work a little closer to your shoreline each time, this allows you to cover every inch of the bottom. If nothing happens, change your tactics. 3.) go to something that works middle water (like a jig and bobber or spinner) Work your spinner in to the current allowing the blade to flutter by the current rather than reeling is back (you should be reeling only slightly to keep the lure in the right depth, let the river do the rest) Try side casting spinners in behind rocks and logs, dont bring them back until they start fluttering. Use as light a line as you feel comfortable with (I like 8 and 10lb for mainline and 6lb for leader) Always have the secret sauce ready at hand (Garlic is a killer!!)

If you want to drift corkies and yarn, use colors that you rarely see, ask your wife to go to the craft store and find you some light blue or other subtle color, all the bright colors out there are fun but the fish see them everyday. Shorten up the leader!! This is a biggie, so many people I see have these rediculously long leaders, granted there are times and water conditions that dictate a long leader, on the Wilson I rarely use a leader longer than 24" and if using a corkie always peg the corkie by the hook with a toothpick, go easy on the weight, yet another big mistake a majority of people make is using way way way to much weight. Use 1/4" hollow lead and a 1-1 1/2" piece sometimes less and sometimes a bit more, but for the Wilson in prime condition it should be dang lite! use small terminal gear to like swivels and hooks, i use a super small ultra strong swivel from Fisherman's. Hooks, use 1's 2's and 4's

What ever you do, dont get lazy, make every cast count, one bad cast can wreck an opportunity.

Anyway that's about all I can think of without watching you fish the Wilson.

:clap::clap::clap::D way to put it out there!!! Thanks i havent picked up a fish on the wilson yet... this might help change that
youngbuck307 said:
:clap::clap::clap::D way to put it out there!!! Thanks i havent picked up a fish on the wilson yet... this might help change that

U havnt picked up a winter but u caught a late summer haha :)

Anyway hows the water looking is it pretty clear?
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