Wilson River winter steelhead

Went to the Wilson today and caught a nice hen within the first 20 minutes. Fished at the Elk Creek campground holes. No luck the rest of the day, very clear, cold, and low. Used a green corkie and yarn. pictures later. hope it rains!
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Fast catch

Fast catch

Went to the Wilson today and caught a nice hen within the first 20 minutes. Fished at the Elk Creek campground holes. No luck the rest of the day, very clear, cold, and low. Used a green corkie and yarn. pictures later. hope it rains!

Welcome to our friendly lil neighborhood,glad tohave you here. Good work on getting that hen so fast. Problem with getting into them so fast means the rest of the day will probably drag. Keep us posted on your progress and do remember the pictures if possible. Be safe.
headed to the wilson in the morning. it's rained a bit and the bite should be picking up. Why hasn't anyone posted here since 2009?
Because this isn't "the official Wilson river steelhead report" thread. it was just one guy making 1 report about 1 trip. and i didn't notice he date at first and almost replied to what i thought was a recent report which would have made me look like a fool, almost.
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