Where to go for salmon?

Well-known member
So i never fished for salmon, never saw other people fishing for salmon, never even saw a salmon alive. But I want to remedy it. ;) I live in Corvallis - where should I go for my first try?
Anitoliy, I have only seen people fishing for salmon in training videos (or from watching myself in the river's reflection), but you might try the Willamette in Salem. I haven't hooked into one yet, but I see them constantly jumping, as if to irritate me...
The alsea after the next rain should be good for something... it might only be coho but its still a salmon. Bigger than a bluegill!!
After all those reports from the Sandy river I don't want to go to Willamette or Alsea. I want to go to the Sandy :D
Anatoliy said:
So i never fished for salmon, never saw other people fishing for salmon, never even saw a salmon alive. But I want to remedy it. ;) I live in Corvallis - where should I go for my first try?

You'll see them all over the place at Oxbow. Catching them is a different story ;)
The coastal coho have lockjaw just like anywhere else.
The alsea is lame as of right now. Not sure about the Siletz cause I haven't been over there yet. The Willamette and Santiam may be a decent choice for coho? :cool:

PM sent.
mgdguy said:
You'll see them all over the place at Oxbow. Catching them is a different story ;)

I went to dodge and oxbow today and got skunked. Of course, the salmon put on a good show jumping and teasing me. :(
Coastal rivers like the Salmon and the Nestucca aren't too bad. The fish are picky as all get out, but they can be caught. I don't know about the Siletz either, but I would guess that it should start picking up based on weather predictions.
Anatoliy said:
After all those reports from the Sandy river I don't want to go to Willamette or Alsea. I want to go to the Sandy :D

The sandy has been treating us well. Put in the time and do the hunting and you are bound to get in to some fish. We have been having good luck with eggs and brass blade spinners. If you don't get in to anything your first time don't let it get you down. Just keep at it and you'll get one.
bigdog said:
The sandy has been treating us well.
After reading your reports sure I want to fish the Sandy :D It's pretty long drive from Corvallis but I think it will not stop me. So where on Sandy should I go and how to get there?

Oxbow? Point A?
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Anatoliy said:
After reading your reports sure I want to fish the Sandy :D It's pretty long drive from Corvallis but I think it will not stop me. So where on Sandy should I go and how to get there?

The where is about anywhere. They are everywhere in the sandy right now. If you have a full day to kill then I would say start at the start of the river. You should google it first and take a good look at the watters and find some places you want to try. If you use google earth you can get a good look at it and decide where you want to fish. For the most part I fish out in the areas around garbage hole. There are many good spots out there to fish some great holding spots and nice moving lanes. On the how to get there if I tried to tell you most likely you would end up lost. For directions you better stick with goodle:lol:

Been hearing good things about oxbow lately I think that would be a good place for you to start lots of good water there for fishing. Keep in mind the fish like to hold more towards the bottom of the water.
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Anatoliy said:
After reading your reports sure I want to fish the Sandy :D It's pretty long drive from Corvallis but I think it will not stop me. So where on Sandy should I go and how to get there?

I like fishing at Oxbow park a lot. There are a lot of holes to try out, and even if you get skunked, Oxbow is like a little patch of paradise with all the wildlife.

Here are directions from Corvallis.
bigdog said:
On the how to get there if I tried to tell you most likely you would end up lost.:lol:
Once you get to Gresham there are signs the whole way, so it's easy to find.
Salmon fot Anatoliy

Salmon fot Anatoliy

Jeepers! Never caught a Salmon? You need to wait then, and have your first salmonoid be a King Chinook. And maybe SOMEONE from this hoard of anglers on this website will volunteer to take you on a guided tour. Twenty years ago, on Fall Creek on the Alsea, I used to catch up to 20 or 30 Coho a DAY, throwing 'em back because I wanted a bigger one. I actually caught and RELEASED 50 one good day, 'cause my freezer was full. Then the ODFW changed the rules. Oh well. Technically, once you have your daily LIMIT of a any species of game fish in Oregon, you canna fish for any more of them THAT day. The game warden will grin as he tells you this while he's writin' you a ticket. I know.:D
Anyway, since you are in Corn Valley(the original name of that city Corvallis) you are a less than an hour drive from Alsea, the town. I think it's the North Fork that flows through Alsea. I'm sure there are a few people who will read this and volunteer their vast;) knowledge of the Alsea. Mine is olddddddd as dirt.

>>>Been hearing good things about oxbow lately I think that would be a good place for you to start

Used to be. There is very few fresh Silvers in Oxbow area. I think most of the fish are up. We need new batch of fish for Sandy. I'm already thinking about coast rivers but I'd like to get surprised and see more Ho in Sandy.
new batch of Coho

new batch of Coho

Yeah, that's what we need. Especially for the Santiam. The W. Falls fish count page

ODFW Willamette Falls Fish Passage Fish Counts

got updated today, all the way up to the 12th. Ah, for even next day updates....... anyway, as of the 12th, 19,672 Coho's past the window. This is awesome. Last years total was around 4000. ODFW predicted last year, based on Coho Jack counts, that we might see 20,000 Silvers this year. Hopefully when we get some serious rain and streamrises the run will encore.

I agree with Bigfootfish, If youve never caugh a Salmon, Have your first one be a Chinook!
Go to the Willamete or go to Upper sandy where Bigdog Fishes.
Good luck.
Troutier Bassier said:
I agree with Bigfootfish, If youve never caugh a Salmon, Have your first one be a Chinook!
Go to the Willamete or go to Upper sandy where Bigdog Fishes.
Good luck.

Oh god no if he wants to get a nook I wouldn't go for one where I fish. They all are so spent and done it's now funny. One thing all that I have seen landed are nates and the other not a one worth keeping even if it was a hatch.

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