where to find shad at bonneville dam

Hey do any of you guys go fishing for shad at bonneville dam???? im planning to go this saturday and i wondered is there any other spots there to fish besides the place where all people usually go??? do anyone know where fish later starts i wondered if u can fish somewhere close to it and be legal cause all the fish go through latter anyways so maybe anyone can tip me on that i would appreciate it a lot.

and my second q is Where is Shad fishing spot in Dalles OR??? anyone know where ecxacty>,... a little direction would help., i know where dalles is at but not sure where to find shad there. cause where i go to fish count website it shows shad at Dalles but im not sure where its at

thanks a lot guys


I happen to be heading there too Sat AM. :D
Fish anywhere along bradfort Island this time of the season, it'll be crowded though.

I think there is also a dam in the Dalles, fish there too.
The old people say its better in the evening. and my school starts at 8:15 an ends at 2:45 and tomarrows my last day.

But still I have proof that they are easier to catch during the evening
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