When do the crawdads pop?

Crawdiddily's thrive in the Summer. There are a few out there right now, but as soon as the water wwarms up a hair, it is on. They will be availableat Timothy all the way into fall.
do they just hide out during the winter and go dormant or do they die? Where are they now? I have never caught them out of a lake, Do they taste the same?
Johnson creek?

Johnson creek?

I've seen a lot in Johnson creek in the summer but the 1's I saw didn't look so good so I dont even bother. any1 if they're any good?
I've seen a lot in Johnson creek in the summer but the 1's I saw didn't look so good so I dont even bother. any1 if they're any good?

Ive lived less than a mile from the creek my whole life and never thought of eating a crawdad from there. Ive kept a few as pets when I was a kid but...I guess you could snap one open and see if little worms go flying everywhere....


They actually are pretty good if you can get any size to them. They are mini Lobster. Drop them in boiling water, do't worry about the screaming it won't last long. Break off the tail, pull out the poop chute, dip them in melted butter with a little garlic salt added then pop them in your mouth, YUM! I can only eat 50 or so!
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