Whats your fly

Well-known member
Mostly I am just tired of teh same post being up here for weeks, But sharing favorite seems like a good idea. So what is it? Myself the only thing I have caught fish on is a Mayfly an Prince Nymph
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Markcanby said:
Mostly I am just tired of teh same post being up here for weeks, But sharing favorite seems like a good idea. So what is it? Myself the only thing I have caught fish on is a Mayfly an Prince Nymph
My favorite way to catch fish is on a dry fly like a callibeatis sparkling dun. But my most successufull over all fly is a green wolly bugger with crystalflash. But for some reason my favorite fly is a size 16 green softhackle. There are so many flies to chose from!
Parachute Adam's on top with a Carey Special on a dropper.

Or an Olive (or black) crystal bugger with a Carey Special on a dropper... :cool:
Most productive

Most productive

Copper John - Deschutes
Pheasant Tail- Crooked
Red Tag soft hackle- Metolius
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orange stimulator,my favorite all purpose.Gotta love the boogers too!
I love the orange stimulator this time of year too, but not all year.

I have to say my all time big fish catcher is the possie bugger.
Wolly Bugger!
Wire woven flies

Wire woven flies

Hi Guys
I have been messing around all year on wire woven flies,firstly i was doing wire woven nymphs so as to get down deep to the big uns and secondly i wanted to try a more realistic patterned fly.,These have worked wonders on the rivers over here .I then developed wire woven Dabblers for the big Loughs,these have also proven good takers.
I was wondering of any of you guys would be interested in tying up a few for the steel head as a few of the lads over here have got Atlantic salmon on them and they swear that they should work for the steelies

Those are beautiful flies laurie, either one should interest steelhead. Lately I've been tying small pheasant tail nymphs, and caddis - my old digital won't focus close enough for the small flies, so no pics.
Hi Michael
same here i have been doing pheasant tails but again woven heres a few

olive and red pheasant tail nymph

olive pheasant tail nymph


Red devil nymph

Well, you talked me into it. I'll have to try weaving a few nymphs. I have a magazine around here somewhere that describes single and double overhand weaves, but if you have any tips, or links to a good tutorial that would be helpful, would appreciate it. I haven't checked flytyingforum yet, but probably some info on there.

The main benefit of weaving that appeals to me is the ability to get a top color and a bottom color for the abdomen, a lot of nymphs are lighter on the bottom than the top. - and you get a segmented texture. Lots of possibilities there, and I'll bet the wire ones sink well.

A few questions.

I tried weaving a green rock worm a few months ago with a thread of an upholstery cord, came out ok, but I suspect that choice of what to weave makes a difference in how easy to tie they are. What wires, lines or cords have you liked to weave?

Can you mix material?, like weave mono and wire together?

Do you use different weaves, or have a favorite?

Thanks for posting the pics.



Hi Michael
i use utc wire, i bought a load from the manufacturer a few months ago, seven different colours and about 800 metres in each spool.

my favourites are
chartreusse and gold for the mayfly nymph
claret and silver for the claret dabbler
teal blue and silver for the teal blue and silver
red and silver for the peter ross nymph
blue and silver for salt water
the combination is amazing and you are right it gives a segmented effect
i like the pot weave it is more realistic.
I have some tutorial videos on youtube and the weave is on there just google red arse dabbler and it will bring you to the videos
I tried mixing materials but i find if you keep to the wire it helps the fly go down that bit quicker.
I am doing a couple of more woven caddis flies this week so i will let you know when they are done
all the best
Lime/white Parachute adams. or Salmon/stone flies. I'll post pictures soon.
That is really nice looking man!!
Awesome looking flies! :clap:

South Santiam: Tungsten head black stone with prince bead head trailer.

Mckenzie: Black Gnat

East Lake: Olive Scud or Brown and Blue/Black streamers for browns
Very awesome looking flies here. My go to favorite has always been the black wooly bugger with a hint of red, just a plain ol store-bought, but killer for the high country streams.

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