what is the most proven way to catch salmon!

what is the best way to catch salmon? chinook anyway? im still learning about salmon so any advice is greatly appreciated


Depends on what river you are fishing, and who you ask... But nobody can deny the power some nuclear cured eggs have over Chinook. Last Supper is probably the best out-of-can cure you can easily buy. And it has tricked many hundreds of Chinook for me, and my buds over the years. But I say eggs should be your first choice of three wishes if you got stuck on a desert island, with fresh water streams that held Chinook...
If you have eggs like mine there's no reason for any other bait!
really, bait is the most consistant on average. spinners and plugs and even jigs under a float have their place conditionally.
i say eggs all the way weather you drift them or fish them under a float just rember you dont need that huge glob of eggs so many people think they need . i like to use a quarter size peace for drift fish and know more than a golf ball size for bobber an back bouncing unless the water is hight and mudy than i mite use a little more eggs or add a little yarn or srimp to them
but i will say spinners, qwickfish, jigs, corkie and yarn have there place to
but nothing beats good eggs good eggs being the key i will say if you dont have your own eggs amermas have hooked me into a lot of nooks in past years were i burned all my eggs on steelie good luck Dan
Exactly bobberdown. and I'll be damned, I see a period in there :).
Even better

Even better

ArcticAmoeba said:
Depends on what river you are fishing, and who you ask... But nobody can deny the power some nuclear cured eggs have over Chinook. Last Supper is probably the best out-of-can cure you can easily buy. And it has tricked many hundreds of Chinook for me, and my buds over the years. But I say eggs should be your first choice of three wishes if you got stuck on a desert island, with fresh water streams that held Chinook...

I have to disagree with AA. There is only one bait that will catch chinook when they go into lockjaw mode. It is a UV grenade. TCO UV grenades are heavier for quicker water penetration, and longer timers to allow to retreat to a safe distance.:dance::clap: The next best after that for Springers upriver is eggs.
Cold hard cash! Right off I-84 @ Cascade locks. You can pay to have the fish thrown to you, once the tribes start hauling in there nets. That is a guaranteed catch..... And the wife (at least mine) doesn't have to know the different!
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osmosis said:
Exactly bobberdown. and I'll be damned, I see a period in there :).

ya well im working on it. i always was more of a fishermen than a writer thats for shure. this is writeing about fishing so i have to try to get it rite to maybe i will get the change to go out fishing with yu one of these days i here your oneofthe best out there . thanks Dan
fishndad said:
what is the best way to catch salmon? chinook anyway? im still learning about salmon so any advice is greatly appreciated

Eggs and a pink corkie with glitter on it. Cure you eggs with a little bit of red koolaid. But don't tell nobody I told you this.
lol thanks guys your all to kind lol:lol:
well, that sound like a unanimous decision that eggs are the best :clap:
tnffishman said:
well, that sound like a unanimous decision that eggs are the best :clap:

lol thats what i was thinking!
Okay, cured eggs it is next time I am down on the lower Sandy.

My biggest problem (beside not catching fish) is that I generally have to re-bait after every third cast or so, using quarter to half dollar sized bits of skein eggs on a 1/0 or smaller hook (with an egg loop knot). Drifting or under bobber. will wrapping the eggs in pantyhose make them any less effective?

madoc said:
Okay, cured eggs it is next time I am down on the lower Sandy.

My biggest problem (beside not catching fish) is that I generally have to re-bait after every third cast or so, using quarter to half dollar sized bits of skein eggs on a 1/0 or smaller hook (with an egg loop knot). Drifting or under bobber. will wrapping the eggs in pantyhose make them any less effective?


Don't know about pantyhose but maybe you're not doing something right. I used eggs the other day and when i was done i do what i always do. I smacked my bait in the water over and over and they wouldn't come OFF. I finally had to take them off by hand. Also i haven't tried to master the bait loop so i tie a normal hook knot halfway down the shank of the hook so i have a loop and it works just fine. You might try to hook and loop the eggs a different way. I used to have the same problem keeping bait on the hook.
I run my eggs in spawn sacs. You can make them yourself pretty easily, I always do it the night before I go out. Bait doesn't fall off, and smaller fish can't rob your hook of the egg bounty.
well i personally like to keep fresh baits on it will make the diffrance betwean a good day of fish and a bad day. I rebait every 3 maybe 4 cast but you can make your eggs last longer . by simpley ajusting your cure methed . at the end of te cureing proess you can set the out on a screen for about 20 minets and let them drain and dry a bit. it will let them tuffen upa bit they will start to feel a bit leathery. or you canadd a little borax to them to . i personally like a little softer egg i dont know they work well for me . but if you want to get more cast out of them that is how i know how to do it . buton the down side to that a lot of times te fish will just mouth your eggs very softly. by the time you feel them they spit out your eggs if they dont like the taest and texture . an i think that the harder the eggs are the less real they feel to the fish . i want them to feel un tamperd with out side of the red color and th taest of the cure i use.
so yes you will rebait more often but i have found you will hook more fish to . i have messedup someof my eggs letting them set out to long i just for got i ad tem out sence it was about ten quarts i tryed to use them with very little luck then i busted outsome out my other eggs cured the same but left out to dryjust rite and fish on!!!!!!!!!!
heck i fished those tuff eggs with no luck one day and i switched to my good eggs the next 5 cast 5 fish and i was going home with a limit that qwick . andthose eggs whernt that tuff a lot like what you would buy from a store like guidse choice or something but any ways hope this info helps thanks Dan
"what is the best way to catch salmon? chinook anyway? im still learning about salmon so any advice is greatly appreciated" fishndad

Head to the ocean after June 20th. Set up a hoochie with a small french or clamshell balde just above it. Fish no deeper than 16 feet. Troll that and be ready for some fun. You will fill your boat with silvers. There nothing like being out there on the big salt and catching them as fresh as they come!;) I like a whole herring at Warrenton in August for Chinook.
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use bait

use bait

if you are in the lower rivers estuarys....when the tide is comming in and the water is cold 42-57 troll cut plug herring (use a gilly cutting jig) Rig up with a 3-5 oz keel sinker, 1 1/2 foot of leader, a medium fish flash, then a 5-6' mooching leader...look this rig up. when the water is warm 58+ troll or plunk a spinner or a kwikfish behind a diver or with weight.Look up the rigging at luhr jensen.

Upriver tribs....ammermans eggs,with shrimp. Drifted, backtrolled, bobberd,backbounced. When the river drops and is above 58 backtroll small hotshots like the 30's or 35's or throw small spinners from the bank if your bank bound. A #3 blue fox tarnished brass or black will do wonders in low warm waters for spring chinook.
cobias said:
if you are in the lower rivers estuarys....when the tide is comming in and the water is cold 42-57 troll cut plug herring (use a gilly cutting jig) Rig up with a 3-5 oz keel sinker, 1 1/2 foot of leader, a medium fish flash, then a 5-6' mooching leader...look this rig up. when the water is warm 58+ troll or plunk a spinner or a kwikfish behind a diver or with weight.Look up the rigging at luhr jensen.

Upriver tribs....ammermans eggs,with shrimp. Drifted, backtrolled, bobberd,backbounced. When the river drops and is above 58 backtroll small hotshots like the 30's or 35's or throw small spinners from the bank if your bank bound. A #3 blue fox tarnished brass or black will do wonders in low warm waters for spring chinook.

thanks bud thats awesome

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