Weekend fishing opportunities:

Per the ODFW Website-

ODFW’s brood trout stocking program began this week with releases in St. Louis Ponds and Henry Hagg Lake. More than 100 of these fish, weighing from 8 to 15 pounds, were released in Hagg Lake, and more than 150 more were released in St. Louis Ponds # 3 and #6. This program will continue through January with periodic releases at several locations in the Willamette Valley.:clap:
Good Luck all. :)
I was on Hagg today targeting bass. I saw 1 boat pull in a trout in the 5-6 lb range.
I was trying but no cigar! I'll be back there on Friday if I can.

Best get there while you can.

Ironically, Hagg Lake will close for the season on November 20th. It will re-open in March, 2012.
I'll be there Sunday...in the rain. I have added heavy duty shocks to my truck in anticipation of all that extra weight in the cooler. Oh, wait a minute. I can only keep one? Well, she's gonna hafta be pretty big to justify those shocks....

BTW: Remember that these big berthas often cruise the shallows. Bank anglers definitely have a shot.

Not for nuthin', but...150 in the St. Louis Ponds? Those two water holes are what, 20 acres, while Hagg is over 1000. So Hagg is 50 times bigger, but St Louis gets 50% more brooders. Wow. I know that's not how ODFW figures this stuff...but I smell politics. I'm just sayin'...
You're right, bernduffy, about those trout staying shallow for a while. Just like hatchery trout, having been contained in fairly shallow concrete "ponds," it causes them some swim bladder discomfort to access deeper water. They'll adapt over a week or 10 days.
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