Upcoming weekend

I am thinking about taking my boat up to the reservoir this Sunday and was wondering if anybody has any info aboat it? Is the algae too thick? Is anybody catching anything? Help please!
Well, I got there about 6:00 this morning. It was beautiful out. I wore a t-shirt the whole morning. There was 1 boat on the lake and an old timer putting in while I was getting ready to launch. I caught my limit by 10:00. I released and lost at least 20 more. What worked the best was a trolling rig with wedding rings with a peice of worm and a Balls-of -Fire single egg. Without the worm and egg the hits were a lot less frequent. They ranged from 10" to 14". I had 1 big one that came at me faster than I was reeling in. He got ahead of me and unhooked himself. LOL Nice day fishing.
I was at the North side boat ramp that is before the bridge. I dont remember the name. It was to the left of the dam about 1 or 2 miles up. Nice little boat ramp area. It said it was a day time picnic area. I went back towards the dam about 300 yards and was trolling from one side to the other. The older gentleman said that they were in the middle, so I should just goes back and forth across from side to side. It worked. By the time I would get within 40 or 50 feet from the bank I would have a fish on. I got myself a 2 rod license and there were times that I would be reeling in one and would start getting hits on the other. If that dont pump you up, you must be dead inside.
Sounds like a blast. Really fun when you have to just leave one rod alone till you can finish with the other or when trying to get one out so you can get the other one back out but can't seem to do it. Curious did you happen to see my boat out there? we must have got up there around 9 and launched at packard and hit the dam from our side up to the side you launched at and just kept on going past where you launched and on up under the bridge.
I probably saw you and didn't relize it. Sorry. You can't miss me. My buddy and I went and had a new top made for our boat. It is bright red, like the decal on the side. Oh yeh, never mind , I had the top folded forward because it was so nice out. I thought you were up there on the 31st? I was up there on the 30th, Sunday.
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