Tying yarnies


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Tying yarnies is like so freakin' easy.

Step one: watch the Steelhead Stalkers video.

Step two: tie yarnies.


the upper orange yarnie (slightly smaller) is what I caught my buck on last Tuesday. the lower one is literally the first yarnie I have ever tied in my life.

Step three: catch steelhead. (OK, Step 3 isn't always so easy. not even close. these are nasty fish that mess with your head.)

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funny, I was going for a joke about how sometimes it's easy to make gear but still hard to catch the fish.

plus a shameless excuse to post another picture of my latest fish. that would be the one I caught on a tiny orange yarnie from NorthCountryLures&Flies,

And that first orange one I tied was using Glo Bugs Yarn (that's the yarn you see up top in the tub, the color is "Alaskan Roe"), and I happened to frame the picture with the next color yarn I am going to use to make yarnies, a bag of Steelhead Stalkers that I bought at BiMart yesterday,

Just Say'n
Chromatose;n610234 said:
Looks like a Shameless Plug for the Promotion of SteelHead Stalkers Yarn.

Just Say`n

What's wrong with that? They make a superb product. You should try it sometime.

Just say'n
playhooky;n610244 said:
Yarnie’s rock!

those are some beauties! mine not so much yet but moving in the right direction. larger ones are much easier to tie, smaller ones tougher for me so far.
OK all you gear making experts, how about some tips for making nice small yarnies with a nice full round shape?
OnTheDrop;n610245 said:
What's wrong with that? They make a superb product. You should try it sometime.

Just say'n

Indeed, i purchase their yarn, soft beads, and krill scent. Great stuff, plus they are cool guys. Haven't seen Chad on here in quite some time, but a lot of old schoolers aren't around much. Their videos on their website are very informative as well, i learned a lot there when i started steelhead fishing. There is my shameless plug, remember to always support local business!
I haven't used yarn balls ever really, i tied a bunch up years ago and they are sitting in a container. I use a little yarn when drifting a corkie, that's about it. Never under a bobber, although i have been wanting to bust those yarnies out this year for some reason. Maybe i will soon!
rogerdodger;n610250 said:
OK all you gear making experts, how about some tips for making nice small yarnies with a nice full round shape?

I just trim mine up a bit, and don't sit and try to make it perfectly round. A Steelhead is going to make his decision much sooner than he thinks about how perfectly symmetrical your yarn ball is. ( I think ) seems to work for me, anyways. My 2 pennies, along with make MORE half ass ones, then fewer perfect ones! Maybe the latter applies my situation, but still worth it IMO.
OnTheDrop;n610258 said:
I just trim mine up a bit, and don't sit and try to make it perfectly round. A Steelhead is going to make his decision much sooner than he thinks about how perfectly symmetrical your yarn ball is. ( I think ) seems to work for me, anyways. My 2 pennies, along with make MORE half ass ones, then fewer perfect ones! Maybe the latter applies my situation, but still worth it IMO.

You do make some half ass yarnies. ;)
I like to make my own. It's fun. I have a bunch if straws with different patterns pulled through them in my yarn bag, so I can make them on the fly if I need to.
I had a chance last year to fish with that lowe standards guy that used to be on here. He had his scissors and straws at the ready and could row and make double yarnies almost as fast as I could lose them. The fish liked them.
dam, this is a good old fashioned OFF thread that I can't believe developed this way. a little snark, some good-natured fun, some actually fishing info,, even a confusing post where someone forgot to turn off his phones "beer goggles" filter, a little fish porn (actually, the thread could use a bit more of that, maybe a yarnie hanging out of the mouth of a steelhead), maybe even a couple of lurking old-timers could toss in a post, common on....

Tanner's advice is perfect for my lure making skills, "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good", if I heard him correctly. Make a bunch, make them good enough, fish the hell out of the rivers when the flow is right". or as many of you are saying "duh, what steelhead fisherman doesn't know that?" cheers, roger
OK all you gear making experts, how about some tips for making nice small yarnies with a nice full round shape?

You might find McFly Foam to be your friend for the smaller yarnies (or sometimes referred to as Clowns). You can apply this material to the hook with or w/o the use of straws, however; there’s a lot less waste using straws. I’ve experimented with a bunch of different yarns and they all seem to work. Some materials are scent friendly....others not so much but no biggy....it’s easy to tie more if you douse em with the wrong concoction. And, no.... they do not need to be perfectly rounded. Happy tying!!d16b0b56e431eaa5c58c029ada8416d1.jpgd16b0b56e431eaa5c58c029ada8416d1.jpg493597760575416f4742566539b10f78.jpga6199f99f7c24af5b260888944060898.jpg
well raise my rent and accuse me of cheering for the Huskies, that looks like exactly what I missed for the real small versions. "hey McFly!"

I'm sort of a now-and-then fly tying guy but I got that vise and bobbin you see in the picture in 1973 when I was 12. I had some books and supplies but in the end, I tied up one pattern over and over again. We called the "Mill Creek Coachman". red floss tail, wrap a few peacock feathers to make a fuzzy green body, then a nice full grey-white hackle. didn't waste any time putting on those white wing things a Royal Coachman gets...that fly worked so good for me when I was young and fishing the Blue and Wallowa Mts. and Eagle Cap wilderness area also.

those are some beautiful 'yarnies', thanks for sharing the pictures.
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Hope it ain't a faux pas to rez such an old post, but wondering what style and size of hooks y'all are tying your yarnies on.
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