This might be a stupid question.

Well-known member
im mostly a fly fisherman, but i want to get into some nooks like when i was a kid with my dad. my question is: does anyone use eggs without curing them? or is that a no-no?:think:
The curing process toughens up the skein allowing the eggs to stay together, also it preserves them so they will last. If you use un-cured eggs they will pretty much just fall apart.
got it. i kinda thought that was it. thanks for clearing it up
No problem man, there's lots of good info on egg curing here if you don't mind doing a little searching. Good luck getting yourself some coastal nookie!

Don't forget to try spinners too, they can be killers!
If you want to use eggs "o'naturale" then i would recommend getting yourself some spawn net and magic thread, twist some clumps up into a net, tie it off and put it on your hook that way. Without curing that will be the only way to get your eggs to stay on the hook.
lol. i was just going to ask if that would be a resonable substitute. thanks
I second Beaverfan's motion for spinners...especially in faster moving water w/ deep pockets.
steelhead_slayer said:
lol. i was just going to ask if that would be a resonable substitute. thanks

Indeed, its how my grandpa used to fish for steelies back home. Come to think of it, it wasn't until i moved here that i even heard of people curing eggs...funny how methods change from one part of a country to another.
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