Thieves on the Wilson

Well-known member
Tyler and I fished the Wilson last Thursday from sunrise to sunset.

Had an OK day - I got a few tugs and a hook up swinging flies for steel before saying sod it and switching to trout gear (which brought to hand a few nice SRC's, one of which ate a grass hopper dry.)

We ate lunch at the little diner near MP9, and headed up river after lunch, parking at MP 17.5 (half mile west of Keening Creek, by the western yellow locked gate). We fished hard down river, seeing lots of big fish, but not getting any. Tyler got his first fly caught stream trout this trip.

When we got back to the car around 7PM, we realized the car had been broken into. The (%*&!@(%*&!@$(%*&U thief or thieves got away with Tyler's back pack, cell phone, android (not used as a phone), and my Fuji digi cam.

They have absolutely no taste, or they got scared off - as they left my two new fly rods untouched in the back (thankfully!). They also missed my cell phone, and a full box of .380ACP that was in the center console next to Tyler's android. (No, there was no pistola in the car for them to gack.)

I called TCSO when we got home to report it. Didn't hear back from them, so I called again Friday, only to find out that they were passing the buck off to the state police. After a chat with an OSP dispatcher, she said she would mail a form to me to make a formal report. :rolleyes: I realize that TCSO is small and doesn't have much in the way of crime fighting resources, and it's such a low priority crime that OSP probably will file my report away and we'll never get anything back, and the thieves probably won't be prosecuted for this one. I hope that the buggers wind up breaking into the wrong dude's car, and get caught, and thus get what's coming to them in whatever way that it comes. Damn thieves.

This is one instance where I'm on the side of Sharia law - you steal from someone else - you loose your hand(s). These probably weren't the same guys who took Brad's fly rods a while back - since they left mine alone. These thieves didn't have any taste - and were probably meth freaks looking for easy pickings so they could get their next fix.

While it didn't help my camera was sitting out - these bathtubss popped the lock on the back passenger door (furthest from the road, least visible to passing cars) and took their time rooting through the middle section of the car. They took Tyler's bottle of water out of his back pack and drank it and left the empty on the back seat.

I wouldn't be hurt if these guys wound up getting eaten by a bear or a mountain lion the next time they're out breaking into people's cars.

Make sure you lock your crap up, and keep valuables left in your car to a minimum. Could've been worse for me - they could've smashed a window or taken my fly rods.
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Pure BS. That's all I can say.

I hate theives more than anything.
Even my ex-wife!!
What a rotten way to end a day! :shock: Hopefully someone will catch the lil rats and teach 'em a lesson. Sorry it happened. The trunk is a great storage place if you have one. If your're in a truck, try putting stuff in an old Goodwill bag or grocery bag. No one cares what you got at the Goodwill...;)
I drive an old beat up Jeep Grand Cherokee - not really many places to "hide" things. The rods were half covered with an old blanket and some life jackets, and they were in their cases. Really though - and especially out in a rural setting - thieves have lots of time to go through your crap, and if it's not obvious they're thieves (in other words, not dressed all in black, with a ski mask, with your windows busted out and a neon sign saying "THIEF!" hanging over their heads - how will passers by know they're a thief, and not the honest to god owner of a vehicle?

Trained police might notice - as well as the perpetually suspicious - but the average person won't.

Yep, I just hope that these guys wind up getting caught by the owner of the next car they burgle, and that owner has some fun with them before he calls the cops.
We could set up a sting that doesn't get handed over to the law......
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I know your pain. My first trip to McGyver where I was the first vehicle in.
Scum buckets got at least $1000 of gear. Me being new to the area, didn't think it would happen in a State Park.
I need a mean dog or a python...
My son got knocked out and mugged in Portland and one of the cells they took was the property of Comcast.....they traced it and actually found it in a dumpster close by...can your electronics be traced? Crackheads are stupid and could be using it to call mommy for money....just a thought.
GungasUncle said:
They took Tyler's bottle of water out of his back pack and drank it and left the empty on the back seat.
Sorry to hear man. Picking the lock seems beyond most random methhead rip offs. I wonder if they are a bit more organized than that. Can the cops dust the bottle for prints? Or would that not be enough for probable cause? I hate hearing these stories and I will be on more of a look out when driving the stretch of highway next time.
I hate theives more than anything.
Even my ex-wife!! soo true
Noahk said:
Sorry to hear man. Picking the lock seems beyond most random methhead rip offs. I wonder if they are a bit more organized than that. Can the cops dust the bottle for prints? Or would that not be enough for probable cause? I hate hearing these stories and I will be on more of a look out when driving the stretch of highway next time.

sadly i threw the bottle away. :(. it just pisses me off so much!!! My backpack only had clothes an a couple dollars worth of spare change. i hope i can find them one day and get a little justice.
357 does pretty good justice :)
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alseaalumaweld said:
357 does pretty good justice :)

not wanting to go as far as murder but a few fingers broken and a couple pockets lightened would be enough.
youngfishtyler said:
not wanting to go as far as murder but a few fingers broken and a couple pockets lightened would be enough.
I hear you but your time will be better spent fishing. I'm sure whoever it was has a terrible life and will eventually find themselves behind bars.
maybe a bear trap next to your door handle to keep them there till you get back?
alseaalumaweld said:
maybe a bear trap next to your door handle to keep them there till you get back?

this is a good idea. with our justice system though, youd probably be the one at fault :rolleyes:
mite have to do that as joke. put one of my traps off my door handle and make a warning sign. trap will close on hand stay away at own risk lol
Noahk said:
Can the cops dust the bottle for prints?

Unfortunately, my experience tells me they won't bother.

I once had an older sports car where the window just sat flush with the seal of the door frame...there was no frame around the window itself. Some thieves tried to pry the window, then got their full four fingers on the inside as they probably tried to undo the lock with some sort of instrument. They apparently couldn't do it and resorted to busting the small triangle window instead and ripped off some stuff.

When I checked out the car, I noticed an unblemished set of their full-length finger prints on the inside of my window...clear as day and not even smudged. I called the police and asked if they wanted to record them. They said no, they don't take the time to come out and do such a thing. I said I would gladly drive to them so they could do it. The answer was still no. They just wanted me to fill out a report and mail it in.

They don't much care to bother with burgled vehicles.

P.S. On a slightly humorous end-note. The night the car was ripped off, it was raining. They got my work briefcase and I had a few unopened pieces of mail consisting of some bills. The thieves went through my stuff and apparently tossed out the bills into the street. Someone later must have come across them lying on the ground in their neighborhood, picked them up and dropped them in a mailbox. A few days later, I received those same rumpled, water damaged envelopes in the mail. Some conscientious citizen wanted to make sure I got my 'lost' mail :)
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ive never seen a cop dust for prints
It's easy to criticize the cops but I’m sure they’re as underfunded as most government agencies.

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