The next event????????

Ok so thought we would get a thread started to get peoples ideas on what we should look at doing for the next event????


What charity?

What kind of fish?

Lets hear what everyone thinks, get some ideas out there so we can think about these things and work on figuring out what we are going to do for the next one. Don't get allarmed it's not like we are going to have it in the next couple weeks just the more time we have to work on getting things set up the better it will be. So start them wheels a turning and throw some things out there.

Hooked On Helping
I don't know about the what charity part yet, but I think we should have one a little further South. Maybe hit the Santiam for some summers in July or August. Meet at the I-5 Rest Area for coffee and donuts and then start hunting fish. Meet back up around 3 somewheres for some grub and raffles and what not. Just a thought.
Keep the ideas and thoughts coming in on this. We will be getting together in a couple weeks to work things out and figure out everything.

I think the Santiam might just be a good place to do it. I want to check out that river any ways. This way the wife couldn't tell me I was crazy to go that far to just do some fishing :lol:

You can talk to the salem chapter of NW steelheaders or whatever their name is now and have them run the river for you. They would be able to get quite a few boats out to take people down. Kind of like the learn the river drift they do, but for a charity. And I would take owen up on is offer to help promote your next event.
I don't know about the what charity part yet, but I think we should have one a little further South. Maybe hit the Santiam for some summers in July or August. Meet at the I-5 Rest Area for coffee and donuts and then start hunting fish. Meet back up around 3 somewheres for some grub and raffles and what not. Just a thought.

Further south should be down here haha :D

I think something to do with Diabetes would be awesome. My step mom passed in jan 09 due to complications of the diabetes. Ill try to make one of these events, fishing for a good cause can't beat that :) Thanks for doing these events guys!!
Santiam Drifter:
Trust me we are going to be working with Owen on every one of our events. Would be great to be able to get something going with boats out there but the thing would be money for it though. These events are put on and funded with our own money so unless they are willing to donated the service not to sure if we would be able to do anything. PM some info for getting ahold of them and I will talk with them and see what they might say.

Throbbit _Shane:
Diabetes is a great charity to do a fund raiser for, but that is the charity we did at the beginning of the year. In fact that is the charity that got Hooked On Helping started. We will be doing one for Diabetes again at the first of the year for the second annual Lonnie Bird Memorial Drift OFF.
I'll cast my vote for the Santiam system. But, if I'm not mistaken (and we really truly want to catch fish)...I believe that the South Santiam has a larger run.

Either vets, or diabetes get my vote for the proceeds.

And, thanks for being open to something "farther south". We'll stand a better chance of getting OFF'ers from Eugene and even points further south.
Alzheimer`s? Just an idea after seeing Brian Grant the last few Blazer games. Sad, he was a monster. Sorry, I wanted to come Saturday but was afraid somethin would come up "work" wise and it did. I`ll try to be at the next one. I`ll bring loads of flies or send `em that way in a new box if I can`t make it.
I'll make it if its at the santiam for sure. and you guys could just raise some money for me since i am astill unemployed. lol whatever cause you guys pick i am sure it will be a good one.
I'll cast my vote for the Santiam system. But, if I'm not mistaken (and we really truly want to catch fish)...I believe that the South Santiam has a larger run.

Either vets, or diabetes get my vote for the proceeds.

And, thanks for being open to something "farther south". We'll stand a better chance of getting OFF'ers from Eugene and even points further south.

That's why I vote for meeting up at the rest area.... Split up and go hunt. We've got both North and South to choose from and a WHOLE lot of places open to fish between the two.
Alzheimer`s? Just an idea after seeing Brian Grant the last few Blazer games. Sad, he was a monster. Sorry, I wanted to come Saturday but was afraid somethin would come up "work" wise and it did. I`ll try to be at the next one. I`ll bring loads of flies or send `em that way in a new box if I can`t make it.

I like the alzheimer's idea too. And I hope to meet you on the water one day sir. I truly enjoy your posts.
I like the alzheimer's idea too. And I hope to meet you on the water one day sir. I truly enjoy your posts.

I thought I shook yer hand on the crick one day this past winter?? Sorry guys, Ive met a lot of folks this past year. I was witness to your yarn working not too long ago:) good stuff.
O back on point, I like the meeting @ the rest area, or wherever. Just seems you could use it for a place to bbq and stuff. Although I`m sure there is a park on one of the forks.
the santiam would be awesome,,,people could head east or to the south santiam,,,,lots of bank access points.....andy you missed some killer bbq chicken bigdog made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plenty of water for gear and fly guys
Meltalfisher does this mean you are going to try to make it to our next event? We still need to meet up and go after some fish together sometime here.

It is looking like it will be on the santiam but nothing is set in stone yet. If anyone has some maps of the santiam river that we could look at please PM them to me so we can take a look at some things.

There is a lot of parks and day use areas along the Santiam that we could meet up at later for food and raffles and stuff......
I like the idea of doing it for disabled vets! The ASPCA would also be a good one, as are MDA and MS. I have often thought of starting a charity that provides fishing gear to troops and or disadvantaged youths. There are so many great charities out there! Don't over look some of the local ones as well. One I would think long and hard about is Outdoor School, it's a great program that is always struggling financially. Here's a website I found that has tons of local charities that are listed by type and also by city.

As for location, I think Mike's idea of meeting up at the rest area and then splitting up is a good one. I'm all for learning that river, I've ALWAYS wanted to fish it but never had the chance.
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