The much maligned West Salish Pond

Hello all,
I have recently (with in the last few months) gotten back into fishing. I wish I could say that I am good, however I generally hit the four or five inch range. Not bad for perch, but today I happened to get lucky enough to be at West Salish when they were stocking brooders. I caught a 21 inch brooder on a spinner, and I am excited. However I can't seem to figure out how to Post my picture. Sad day. If any of you could help me figure out what I am doing wrong i would appreciate it.
The 3 kids that were being Jack@ss. One of them wasn't me. I was in the Skinny jeans and the Ralph Lauren Sweater. Did you see me? I caught 4 Brooders. Two 20s and 2 "Jacks"

Where were you fishing?
you wear ralph lauren sweaters fishing????:shock:
halibuthitman said:
you wear ralph lauren sweaters fishing????:shock:

There is nothing wrong with being stylish while fishing. :cool:

I was fishing on the North bank closer to the dock. I was there from like three thirty to six thirty-ish. I am a little irritated because its the first picture I have of fish that I don't show to people trying to get a laugh. I think its just too many of teh Mega bytes. Funny thing is I really only went there so my buddy could catch some perch, cause they are easy to catch and he has been dealing with a bad case of the Skunk syndrome.
Oh, Probally saw you...
I wear Ralph Lauren when Im fishing. I almost wore my DC's to cedar creek. :shock:

Im going to salish right now. Ill be next to the school if anyone wants a fishing buddy.
Right on good luck!
I wear my holy Levi's fishin'.

no Problema


I think that my Worst expirences at salish happened today.
First, My friend Almost got hooked in the Eye. He was walking and A guy was reeling in and he had a baitcast reel and he could cast realy fast. So he was walking and he saw the guy reeling in and he thought his line was out more. So he keeps walking all of a sudden. The guy casts and dosent look back and hits my buddy in the face with a bluefox. :shock: Then the guy gets all mad and slaps his rod on the ground and then a few minutes later he packs up his stuff and leaves.

Then When I caught my 3d Jack I was fighting him and the line Wrapped around his back fin so It looked like I hooked him in the stomach. But the Kastin-master was in his mouth. Then I get it in and the hook pops out when I get him out of the net. (hes already on the bank though) Next to me a guy was fishing all day and he caught only a few lil ones comes up to me and says. "Son, you can't keep that fish. You foul hooked 'em." And I just got all mad and we got in a big argument that ended as. "You know the cops come by here." I said "Ok, If you see them Ill be right by the school."
sounds like that guy was a little jealous. hahahaha
Thats what I thought too.
Troutier Bassier said:
"Son, you can't keep that fish."

Why anyone would want to keep fish out of that pond is beyond me. You might as well just make a paste out of trout pellet and cook it up, it would taste about the same as those hatchery fresh fish. Throw it back for someone else to catch.
I wouldn't let it get to you. People take things too seriously and forget that we are supposed to be having fun, and that not getting anything happens. Sides, did he think you lassoed it or something?
kornphlake said:
Why anyone would want to keep fish out of that pond is beyond me. You might as well just make a paste out of trout pellet and cook it up, it would taste about the same as those hatchery fresh fish. Throw it back for someone else to catch.

Some people might like the taste of hatchery fish. I thought that was the main reason for them anyways so people could catch and eat them so they wouldn't deplete the wild population. I have ate hatchery fish and i don't think they're all that bad tasting.
Bass Ackwards said:
Some people might like the taste of hatchery fish. I thought that was the main reason for them anyways so people could catch and eat them so they wouldn't deplete the wild population. I have ate hatchery fish and i don't think they're all that bad tasting.

What is the difference between wild/hatchery (besides habitat and diet)? The hatchery foods may contain some sort of chemicals, but in the long run, those chemicals will be made out of natural occuring substanced.
It's just a placebo effect. ;)
TB-you kept 2 20" trout? :think:
I hate when people can't mind their business. The other day I was in a restaurant with an unlit cigarette in my mouth and some suit walked up to tell me there was no smoking in the restaurant. He then proceeded to lecture me on the ills of tobacco(like it's a secret). Where I come from(outside philly) people don't talk to strangers so much. You never know who's crazy, we have freeway shootings there...Next time start barking like a dog and piss on his shoe.......My 2 cents
I kept one, I was with my Best friend, And he dident even get a hook up. So I let him fight it on my rod when it was near the bank, not all the way. So I could leagally give it to him.
TB when the guy said you couldnt keep him and that you foul hooked him you should have been all like "do you see any wounds other than in his mouth" then he probably would have shut up lol
After a planter been in the wild for a while I don't think that most people could taste the difference between it and a wild fish. My wife is a very picky eater and if I don't tell her the trout is a planter she can't tell that it is by taste alone.
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